Stephi's Blog - Wheels distribution day 6

Stephi's Blog - Wheels distribution day 6
We really appreciate Stephi's blogging, bringing us all the news from Nakuru Kenya each day. Here Stephi tells us about some of the disabled people the team helped. Stephi writes: Went to the Catholic centre for 8.30 as usual. Then Alexa and I... read more »

Stephie's blog - Days 4 & 5 in Kenya
Day 4 The alarm went off at 3:45 UK time (5:45 here) for us to have breakfast and then head out to the first church service at Michinda Secondary School in a village 45 minutes drive from Nakuru. We were welcomed as honoured guests and... read more »

Stephie's Blog - Nakuru Days 2 and 3
Day 2 We set off at 8:15 to walk to the centre. When we got there, we carried some tent poles to a grass area and the team put up a large tent for us to work in. The centre has a big room where... read more »

Stephi's Blog (Wheels in Nakuru) - Day one
Our youngest Wheels for the World team member, teenager Stephi, is writing about her experiences in Nakuru, Kenya, whilst on a wheelchair distribution trip - we hope you enjoy reading what she has to say! The whole team met up at Heathrow, that's Glenda,... read more »

Wheels working with RILD in Uganda
April 2011 saw a small but dedicated Wheels for the World team travel out to Uganda to work with local partners, RILD, on the distribution of mobility aids and Bibles to nearly 200 disabled people. In addition to seeing people in the grounds... read more »

2011 Wheelchair Distributions
TTR's Wheels for the World programme has plans for three wheelchair distributions this year: Uganda: 30th March - 9th April Kenya (Nakuru): 7th - 18th September Ghana: 23rd November - 3rd December Teams of volunteers will work with partner organisations in-country to provide and fully fit... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - The final day
Our thanks to Phil Green for his inspiring blogs from the Wheels trip to Kenya - Here's 'Day 9 - packing up and flying home.'. Day started about 6:30 for me... Couldn't sleep so I got up. Glenda, Chris and I headed down... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 8
By Wheels team member, Phil Green... The longest day ! Where do I start... Eeek. I have been heartbroken today several times for various reasons, but the day started at the now normal time of 8:30 and there were people already lined up waiting for... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 7
An emotional blog today, from Wheels team member Phil Green: It's been really hard today both physically and emotionally for myself as well as others. There were a lot of children today and it's a lot to deal with. I often found myself... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 -- Day 6
Day 6 already. Still not sure what day or time it is half the time but the time seems to fly by even though we are starting at about 8:30 and finishing after 6. We are so busy through the day that... read more »