Disability Awareness Sunday

Disability Awareness Sunday

Join the Journey with Jesus

In 2024, the date for Disability Awareness Sunday is Sunday 22nd September. But any Sunday can be Disability Awareness Sunday! A smiling man on a mobility scooter, stroking a black labrador dog with its front paws up on the man’s lap. The dog wears purple tabard with text ‘Canine Partners’.
This year there's a whole Disability Awareness Week, starting on 15th September. Join the hundreds of churches across the UK - and the world! - to share about church disability inclusion. Register for the church service resource, free of charge, below. 

Why is disability inclusion important?

Churches are often not aware of the many barriers disabled people can face on their journey to join, or be fully included, in church communities. Accessibility of church buildings isn’t the only barrier – there are lots of social and attitude barriers too, which are easy to overlook.

In a UK survey, 2 out of every 3 people said they felt ‘uncomfortable’ speaking with disabled people, and 3 out of every 4 disabled people reported experiencing negative attitudes or behaviour from others (Scope). Together, we can change this!

What is the Journey with Jesus?

Through the Roof is working through Roofbreaker disability champions in local churches to break down barriers and ensure disabled people can fully belong and participate in church life. Roofbreakers and their churches are on a journey from Access to Belonging to Commission (Matthew 28:19) to equip disabled people to use their gifts for God's glory.

Revd Andrew Miles (pictured) is a Roofbreaker who journeyed with Jesus through a life-changing accident. God now uses the empathy and understanding Andrew has gained to bless others. You can hear his story in a short video in our 2024 resource pack for Disability Awareness Week. We are all on a journey of life and, as Andrew says, "Sometimes things aren't easy, but God is always with us."

What can we do?

Your church can journey with Jesus towards disability inclusion and fulfil the Great Commission by including disabled people, as Jesus said:
‘Go out quickly into the streets ... Bring in those who can’t see or walk ... compel them to come in so that my house will be full.’ (Luke 14:23, NIrV)

Join UK churches to hold a Disability Awareness Sunday service or event, journeying with Jesus and celebrating disabled people in our communities. Or include a prayer, or play Andrew's video story from the free resource below. 

There are some FREE resource materials to help you plan and celebrate Disability Awareness Sunday at your church available - order them on the form below.

  • A new resource pack for 2024 is now available on the theme 'Journey with Jesus', which includes a short video on how God is with us on our journey, a suggested service outline. There are also free disability inclusion leaflets to order (see foot of page).
  • If this is your first Disability Awareness Sunday, you may want to use the initial resource based on the Luke chapter 5 'Through the roof' theme which contains a full range of videos, key messages, children's and youth ideas, prayers, and much more. 

To receive your Disability Awareness Sunday materials and more helpful disability inclusion resources in future, please complete this form:

    Order your Disability Awareness Sunday leaflets

    There is a free A5 leaflet available to give out to everyone attending a Disability Awareness Sunday service or event, so people can find out more. The leaflet invites people to join the journey with Jesus towards disability inclusion and explains how Through the Roof helps churches and people across all disabilities to further God's kingdom.  Click heading to request...