FAQs about Through the Roof

FAQs about Through the Roof


Why are you called Through the Roof?

The Bible tells a story of four men who took a paralysed man to Jesus. They couldn’t get in the room and lowered him through the roof. It was the partnership between disabled and non-disabled people that made it possible for that man to meet Jesus. Through the Roof seeks to work in partnership with disabled and non-disabled people to make the Gospel accessible.

How do I get someone for my church / group who can tell me about the work of Through the Roof, Wheels for the World, Roofbreakers and Disabled Christians Fellowship?

Send an email to info@throughtheroof.org or call 01372 749955 and specify the dates you have in mind. The more notice you give and the more alternative dates, the better. Tell us whether you want the emphasis on Through the Roof, Wheels for the World, Roofbreakers or Disabled Christians Fellowship. We don’t charge but would very gladly receive a donation.

Is Through the Roof attached to any religious group or denomination?

We work with all Christian churches and denominations but have no ties with any specific group. We are even asked occasionally for access advice for synagogues, mosques and temples!

How can I donate a wheelchair to Wheels for the World?

Please follow this link to find details of all the types of mobility aids we can accept, and how to get them to us

How is Through the Roof funded?

We are mostly funded from donations from individuals and churches. Many individuals sponsor wheelchairs as part of our Wheels for the World programme and DCF groups give towards our work. Please consider a one-off donation or a regular donation by standing order. Do consider leaving a gift to Through the Roof in your Will; details are online in our donation pages.

What do you believe about healing?

Through the Roof seeks a balanced position on the issue of disability and healing. We believe that a disabled person has a right to their dignity and identity as a disabled person and that no one should ever be pressed to accept prayer for physical healing that they have not requested. God’s priority for all people is that their sins are forgiven and that they can look forward to being in His presence for eternity. A person’s impairment does not prevent them from reaching their full potential.

Disability is not a result of a disabled person’s sin or of the sins of their predecessors. In a fallen world, people experience disability, pain and sickness. We believe God does heal and offers wholeness to all. In God’s sovereign will this may include physical healing but we believe that in His sovereign will He may also choose not to bring physical healing.

We would also challenge the assumption that disabled people need healing in the sense of ‘being cured’. Whether or not a disabled person is physically healed we believe God loves, values and offers wholeness to each person who comes to God with openness to His will for their lives.

Does TTR have a statement of faith?

Yes -- you can find details of our statement of faith by following this link.

Does TTR have an Inclusion and Diversity Statement?

Yes, Follow this link to find our Inclusion and Diversity Statement