International Roofbreakers

International Roofbreakers

Roofbreakers are individuals (or teams) in communities who aim to break down barriers faced by disabled people in Christian life.

The name 'Roofbreaker' comes from the account in Luke’s Gospel Chapter 5 where the four friends bring the paralysed man to Jesus, breaking through the roof. Some Roofbreakers prefer to be known as a ‘disability champion’ or similar.

We have International Roofbreaker networks in West and East Africa (as well as UK Roofbreaker networks). Roofbreakers take the message of church disability inclusion to many countries.

We run International Roofbreaker missions and events, which often follow a Wheels for the World mission - so we can support the community and build on relationships begun during the distribution of wheelchairs and Bibles.

The church is God’s vehicle for changing lives, and it needs to be equipped, empowered and resourced to include disabled people fully. Find out how you can get involved here...

  Planned International Trips

Planned International Trips

Every year we run several Through the Roof international mission trips. There are two main types of trip to developing countries: Wheels for the World trips to distribute wheelchairs and Bibles International Roofbreaker trips (formerly Churches Inc.) to increase disability awareness in churches and communities.   Here is a list of the latest Through the Roof international mission trips planned. Upcoming Wheels...

  International Roofbreaker events

International Roofbreaker events

During one of our mission trips to Mozambique, we learnt about a family with a severely disabled child. Shockingly, they had been told by others in their local community to sacrifice the child to appease God. Another family was criticised by neighbours for not killing their disabled child to bring ‘the suffering to an end’. Thankfully, the church had...

  Get Involved with International Roofbreakers

Get Involved with International Roofbreakers

Philippa, part of our mission team, shared her own experience of life as a totally blind person with a group of parents in a remote village in Guatemala, Central America’s poorest country. She recounted the story of John chapter 9 where the disciples ask Jesus whether the blind man had sinned or his parents. Jesus affirmed that he wasn’t...