International Mission

Wheels for the World
Wheels for the World changes the lives of disabled people and their families in developing countries through the gift of a wheelchair. Find out how you can get involved more »

International Roofbreakers
Roofbreakers are individuals (or teams) in communities who aim to break down barriers faced by disabled people in Christian life. The name 'Roofbreaker' comes from the account in Luke’s Gospel Chapter 5 where the four friends bring the paralysed man... read more »

International Mission News
Roughly once every two months, we send out an email newsletter containing all the latest news and opportunities from our international missions programme. If you'd like to sign up, please follow this link and fill in the form.... read more »
Apply for a Trip
Every distribution is an adventure with challenges, surprises and occasional disappointments; but predominantly of inspiration and encouragement We are always looking for new volunteers to join us on our missions abroad: please do get in touch if you've got any... read more »

International Blogs
Our teams report back from International Missions as often as time and internet connections allow. Follow them more »