International Work/kenya

Day 9 - Thursday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
A lovely sunny morning again and we all enjoyed walking from the hotel to the centre taking in local life on the way – sheep and goats wandering across the road, little toddlers helping dad fill tins with charcoal to sell and stall holders... read more »

Day 8 - Wednesday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
We woke to a lovely sunny day after the rain and storms of the previous night. A large number of children from a special boarding school came with their social worker and pastor and because they knew the children and their needs they were... read more »

Day 7 - Tuesday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
In the afternoon Gunn and John accompanied Pastor Davis in his car to a remote village Mariashoni 12 kms away high up in the forest hills as it was difficult for the disabled people to make the journey to Elburgon. The wheelchairs and walking... read more »

Day 6 - Monday (Wheels in Elburgon 2016)
Wheels for the World are working hard in Elburgon, Kenya until the 10th September 2016 - follow their journey with our regular blog updates. After breakfast we meandered through the town to the Distribution Centre to set up for the day. Due to a... read more »

DAY 5 – Sunday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
A team from Wheels for the World are hard at work in Eldoret, Kenya from the 31st August to the 5th September - we'll bring you blog updates from them as often as possible. It was a beautiful sunny day so time for a... read more »

DAY 4 – Saturday (Wheels in Elburgon 2016)
Wheels for the World are running a wheelchair distribution in Elburgon, Kenya until the 10th September 2016. We'll bring you stories from the trip as often as possible... A day of rest and relaxation – hallelujah as we were able to have a lie... read more »

Day 3 - Friday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
The team was excited as at last we were ready for work, having taken two travelling to the Hope of Glory Centre in Elburgon, which was founded by Pastor Davis in 2013. He has worked extremely hard to raise the awareness of disability... read more »

Day 2 - Thursday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
After a delicious breakfast we crammed our equipment and cases back into the mini-van and set off for our destination in mist and rain. We had a brief stop at the Rift Valley View Point, when the mist lifted to reveal intensive arable land... read more »

DAY 1 – Wednesday (Wheels in Elburgon 2016)
A team from Wheels for the World are working in Elburgon, Kenya from the 31st August to the 10th September 2016 - we'll be adding blog posts and updates from them as often as we can. The team arrived in Nairobi over an hour... read more »

Wheels in Elburgon 2016
A team from Wheels for the World are out in Elburgon from the 31st August to the 10th September, working hard to fit wheelchairs and other mobility aids to local disabled people. We'll bring you updates just as often as time and internet access... read more »