International Work/uganda

The joy of sharing God’s Word in Jinja, Uganda
Shaun Burrows, Though the Roof's International Missions Manager, shares how God's power transformed disabled people's lives for the better in Uganda on an International Roofbreaker mission trip. The mission was a follow-up... read more »

Wheelsblog – Uganda, Yumbe 2023: Blog 5
We've got a fantastic Wheels for the World team in Yumbe, Uganda for the next ten days. The team are reporting back with regular blogs. Here's the third report. Please continue to pray for the team in their ongoing work. Thank you for your... read more »

Wheelsblog – Uganda, Yumbe 2023: Blog 4
We've got a fantastic Wheels for the World team in Yumbe, Uganda for the next ten days. The team are reporting back with regular blogs. Here's the third report. Please continue to pray for the team in their ongoing work. Thank you for your... read more »

Wheelsblog – Uganda, Yumbe 2023: Blog 3
We've got a fantastic Wheels for the World team in Yumbe, Uganda for the next ten days. The team are reporting back with regular blogs. Here's the third report. Please continue to pray for the team in their ongoing work. Thank you for your... read more »

Wheelsblog – Uganda, Yumbe 2023: Blog 2
We've got a fantastic Wheels for the World team in Yumbe, Uganda for the next ten days. Jill, one of the team members, is reporting back with regular blogs. Here's the second report. Please continue to pray for and support the team, as they... read more »

Wheelsblog – Uganda, Yumbe 2023: Blog 1
We've got a fantastic Wheels for the World team in Yumbe, Uganda for the next ten days. Jill, one of the team members, is reporting back with regular blogs. Here's the first report, looking at the trip and the days of set up. Please... read more »

Day 8 - Wheels for the World in Jinja, Uganda 2022
Thank you for all your prayer support over the last week for the Wheels for the World Jinja team -- it's been an amazing week, with over 200 consultations, and 113 wheelchairs fitted. Here's Rob's report from Day 8, the home visits day. Day... read more »

Day 7 - Wheels for the World in Jinja, Uganda 2022
We've got an amazing Wheels for the World team hard at work in Jinja, Uganda until the 18th June -- they'll be distributing and fitting wheelchairs to local disabled people with the partnership of our friends at RILD. Here's Rob's update from day 7... read more »

Day 6 - Wheels for the World in Jinja, Uganda 2022
We've got an amazing Wheels for the World team hard at work in Jinja, Uganda until the 18th June -- they'll be distributing and fitting wheelchairs to local disabled people with the partnership of our friends at RILD. Here's Rob's update from day 6.... read more »

Day 5 - Wheels for the World in Jinja, Uganda 2022
We've got an amazing Wheels for the World team hard at work in Jinja, Uganda until the 18th June -- they'll be distributing and fitting wheelchairs to local disabled people with the partnership of our friends at RILD. Here's Rob's update from day 5.... read more »