
Wheelsblog: Uganda (28.10.16)
Departure from normal, two of our members went out on a home visit to see one lady of 85 who is blind and unable to join in on community life. With a wheelchair we were able to supply, she wheeled out and all her... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (27.10.16)
We were greeted with clear blue skies and relentless sun and were very very grateful for the shaded veranda. The tent had been full on our arrival. One group had started out at 2am and arrived at 5am but to some degree we have... read more »

Planned International Trips
Every year we run several Through the Roof international mission trips. There are two main types of trip to developing countries: Wheels for the World trips to distribute wheelchairs and Bibles International Roofbreaker trips (formerly Churches Inc.) to increase disability awareness in churches and... read more »

Kosovo Day 7 - Paying Off!
Through the Roof's Wheels for the World team are in Kosovo from the 17th June to the 26th - Linda from the team is sending in reports and blogs as time and internet connection allow. Check back here, read more »

Kosovo Day 6 - Back to Gjakova
Through the Roof's Wheels for the World team are in Kosovo from the 17th June to the 26th - Linda from the team is sending in reports and blogs as time and internet connection allow. Check back here, read more »

International Newsletter - July 2014
Once a month, we send out an email newsletter to supporters, volunteers and friends of our International Missions trips. If you'd like to receive these emails, please get in touch with us - read more »

International Trips 2016
Through the Roof have trips planned right through into 2016 at the moment, with both our Wheels for the World and Churches Inc programmes. If you're interested in volunteering, or supporting these life-changing trips, please contact our International Missions Manager, Reninca, by email by... read more »

Mission with Through the Roof
When we go on mission we believe that: God is in Charge You are not taking God to this place; rather, God is taking you! (Genesis 12:1-3; Psalm 139:1-10) God has been at work in this place long before you arrived. God has a plan for this community,... read more »

Wheels in Kimilili, the final day
We're very grateful to volunteer, Charlotte, for her inspirational blogs from our wheelchair distribution in Kenya. Here's the final one... We stayed in a lovely little guesthouse overnight and returned to the Eldoret centre on Friday morning for our final distribution. There were nine more clients... read more »

Day 8 in Kimilili
Our Kimilili Blogger, Charlotte, has all the latest news from our Wheels for the World distribution. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. This morning we visited the Dreamlands hospital. What a highlight! Becky Nightingale,... read more »