Riding the Storm (Ros' Blog)

Riding the Storm (Ros' Blog)
Psalm 107. 23 – 32 Those who go down to the sea in ships, Who do business on great waters, They see the works of the Lord, And His wonders in the deep. For He commands and raises the stormy wind, Which lifts up the waves of the sea. They mount... read more »

Wheels in Kimilili, the final day
We're very grateful to volunteer, Charlotte, for her inspirational blogs from our wheelchair distribution in Kenya. Here's the final one... We stayed in a lovely little guesthouse overnight and returned to the Eldoret centre on Friday morning for our final distribution. There were nine more clients... read more »

Wheels in Kimilili - the first distribution day
You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Our first distribution day went really well, praise God. We provided wheelchairs and mobility aids to approximately 50 people in and around Kimaeti. I loved seeing how happy the... read more »

Project Manager Alan to appear on TV...
What role does faith play in sport? This is the question being posed by Channel 4's 4thought.tv in a series of short films this week. Our very own Paralympian and Integr8 Project Manager, Alan Whetherly, will be featured this Saturday... read more »

Lasting values of the Paralympics
With three months to go until the Paralympic Games, Through the Roof has joined with ALOVE, the youth division of the Salvation Army, both contributors to More Than Gold's Paralympic Team, to launch ‘Lasting Values’ - a new free... read more »
Our Weakness and God's Strength: Disability Ministry in the Local Church
We have come across a useful blog by John Knight – staff member with John Piper’s ministry, Desiring God. John writes from the perspective of a parent... read more »

Our Integr8 teams have been busy...
Two trips this year saw 'young disabled role models' take part in short term mission trips, alongside other team members, to help inspire a spirit of inclusion within schools and churches in Uganda and Guatemala. Sixteen year old James has put together a great presentation... read more »

Church can set the standard
Over 400 delegates at the ‘Enabling Church’ conference heard Roy McCloughry, Malcolm Duncan, Joni Eareckson-Tada and other keynote speakers encourage the church to set the standard through ministering to the marginalised. A common theme of the day was the celebration that we are all inter-dependent... read more »

Jenny on Premier Radio!
Our DCF Coordinator, Jenny Edwards, appeared on Torch Trust's Insight programme on Sunday 7th February at 4.00pm Insight is a weekly radio programme with a focus on disability and faith, presented by Marilyn Baker. For more information about the Insight programme, and to learn a little... read more »
Beyond Political Correctness - letting God reshape our attitudes to disability
‘He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, Nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, A man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom... read more »