
Wheelsblog -- Uganda 2019, Day 2
The Wheels for the World team are in Moyo, Uganda from the 5th to the 15th June. We'll be bringing you their stories and news as often as the internet connection allows. Here's the second report, covering the work they've started doing while waiting... read more »

Wheelsblog -- Uganda 2019, Day 1
The Wheels for the World team are in Moyo, Uganda from the 5th to the 15th June. We'll be bringing you their stories and news as often as the internet connection allows. Here's the first report, covering their travel, plans, and settling in. Please... read more »

Wheels in Nigeria 2018: Day 7 & 8
A Wheels team of ten people are hard at work in Nigeria this week - they'll be there from the 14th to the 24th November, and we'll bring you stories from their trip as often as the internet connection allows. Please keep praying for... read more »

Wheels in Nigeria 2018: Day 4
A Wheels team of ten people are hard at work in Nigeria this week - they'll be there from the 14th to the 24th November, and we'll bring you stories from their trip as often as the internet connection allows. Please keep praying for... read more »

Wheels in Nigeria 2018: Day 3
A Wheels team of ten people are hard at work in Nigeria this week - they'll be there from the 14th to the 24th November, and we'll bring you stories from their trip as often as the internet connection allows. Please keep praying for... read more »

Wheels to Nigeria 2018: Day Two
A Wheels team of ten people are hard at work in Nigeria this week - they'll be there from the 14th to the 24th November, and we'll bring you stories from their trip as often as the internet connection allows. Please keep praying for... read more »

Wheels in Nigeria 2018: Day One
A Wheels team of ten people are hard at work in Nigeria this week - they'll be there from the 14th to the 24th November, and we'll bring you stories from their trip as often as the internet connection allows. Please keep praying for... read more »

Wheelsblog - Kenya, Elburgon - 5th to 15th September
Wheels for the World will be fitting and distributing wheelchairs in Elburgon, Kenya from the 5th to 15th September 2018. In this video (produced by Sychem), Lucie, a therapist on the trip, tells us all about how... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda 2018
A team of ten are representing Wheels for the World in Butaleja, Uganda from the 11th to the 21st April. Team Blogger, Phil, is sending back videos, photos and other reports whenever the internet connection allows, and we'll get them all online here. Please... read more »

Give Freedom this Lent!
Save £1 a day during Lent, (plus £2 extra on Easter Sunday) and you could change the life of a disabled person in a developing country, by giving the gift of freedom through a refurbished wheelchair. In many of the countries we work in,... read more »