Wheels in Nigeria 2018: Day 4

A Wheels team of ten people are hard at work in Nigeria this week - they'll be there from the 14th to the 24th November, and we'll bring you stories from their trip as often as the internet connection allows. Please keep praying for them as they work!
Today the team went to our local host church for a very lively service praising God. We were given a very warm welcome by the people there. Today was a special day in the church with a dedication of a new baby being celebrated with lots of dancing and praise. The service was also a thanksgiving service with offering of yam, potatoes and a live chicken. It was great to see everyone in their Sunday best, the woman of the church dressed beautifully in their glamorous dresses. Dave, one of our team members, was invited to talk to the church. He delivered a sermon on Acts 2:42-47 highlighting unity and love between churches and people across nations and between our neighbours. He also talked about when churches united their numbers grow, as they gain unity and strength from each other. At the end of the service all the people off the church were offered a meal in unity together.