News Releases

News Release: The Choir of Angels Signs the Way Towards Inclusion of Deaf People
Award-winning Manchester children’s choir both signs and sings to ensure more people can be included. This festive season, a ‘Choir of Angels’ from Sacred Heart & St. Francis parish, Gorton, Manchester, is being celebrated for learning sign language and using drums to help include a... read more »

“I feel alive! Valued for the disabled person I am" - Celebrate Disability Awareness Sunday
Disability Awareness Sunday Let’s celebrate it in every church! “I feel alive! Valued for the disabled person I am. At last, I feel that I am in a space where I can grow as the person God made.” This is what Sarah said about her sense... read more »

'Disabled People Judged as Not Worth Listening To'
Becky, a 19-year-old with severe disabilities received a standing ovation for her preach to thousands of people at Greenbelt Festival. Yet often her experience is not so positive. Becky says, “Too often disabled people, particularly those with severe disabilities, are judged as not having... read more »

Enabling Disability Ministry in Northern Ireland
Ballymena resident, Brian Gault MBE, who was born without arms, will share his journey of faith and disability at an online event for Christians across NI. Brian’s uplifting message will tell how God guided him to help others around the world, which is told... read more »

"We Need To Show Another Way”
At a recent online event Jonathan Bryan, who communicates by using eye movements only, encouraged us all that, “As a church community we need to show another way from the norms of society, where disability is often begrudgingly accommodated.” Jonathan communicated every word of his... read more »

Eye Can Make A Difference
** News Release ** Young author, and Christian, Jonathan Bryan, who wrote his book, ‘Eye Can Write’, entirely through eye movements because of his experience of disability, will share some of his story at a free online event, open to all, hosted by Christian disability... read more »