International Work

Wheels in Kenya 2021 - Blog 1
Reporting from our supported wheelchair distribution in Elburgon, Kenya. A local team will be fitting people with wheelchairs for the next 6 to 7 weeks (from mid-August through to September), ably assisted remotely by a UK team of therapists and specialists. We'll bring you... read more »

Week 7 Part B: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 7 Part B (19th March 2021) On Friday afternoon we finally finished the first Wheels Supported Distribution in Bidi Bidi with... read more »

Week 7: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 7 (15th to 18th March 2021) You may have noticed a difference in the timescale for this week’s distribution. This... read more »

Week 5: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 5 (1st and 2nd March 2021) Well, we have now completed Week 5 of this rather unusual and novel distribution and have only two more weeks left. The Hope Health Action (HHA) team... read more »

Week 3: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 3 (15th and 16th February 2021) We are well into the Supported Distribution process now. The UK team members make a video call to our HHA colleagues in Bidi Bidi at the start... read more »

Week 2: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 2 (8th and 9th February 2021) Following on from the... read more »

Week 1: Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 1 (1st and 2nd February 2021) Through the Roof’s first supported distribution of 135 wheelchairs and other walking aids began this week. This was, like all normal distributions, planned carefully with a team of therapists and... read more »

Sponsor a Wheelchair
Sponsor a wheelchair for £42, and transform the life of a disabled person overseas. We take second hand wheelchairs from the UK, refurbish them to a high standard, and transport them to a developing country, where a skilled volunteer fits the chairs for disabled... read more »

Tanzania 2019: Friday 25th October
From the 20th to the 29th October, two teams -- one from Churches Inc, and one from Wheels for the World -- will be hard at work in Tanzania. We'll be bringing you all the stories and details of what they're up, the people... read more »

Tanzania 2019: Thursday 24th October
From the 20th to the 29th October, two teams -- one from Churches Inc, and one from Wheels for the World -- will be hard at work in Tanzania. We'll be bringing you all the stories and details of what they're up, the people... read more »