International Work/kenya

Wheels in Kimilili - Day 2
Blogger, Charlotte, describes the team's journey to Kisumu and arrival with our partners at IcFEm... You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Our journey continued at 6.30am this morning when we left African Inland Mission... read more »

Wheels to Kimilili - Day 1
Wheels for the World is running a distribution in Kimilili, Kenya for ten days. Our team on the ground will be blogging as often as technology and time allows! Today, Charlotte Smith tells us all about the journey, initial plans, and some prayer pointers... read more »

Elburgon Stories - Moses
Moses Kamau (Report by volunteer therapist, Carolyn) Three-year old Moses lives with his extended family and has spina bifida leading to no movement or sensation below his waist. Moses had learned to sit in a small wooden chair with a 3-sided support and a foot... read more »

Elburgon Stories - Kelvin
Kelvin Kipngetich (reported by volunteer therapist, Sue) Kelvin’s mother, Emma, had hired a taxi to travel the one and a half hours to get to our distribution venue. Emma said that she usually left 12 year old Kelvin with his 70 year old grandmother, while Emma went... read more »

Elburgon - 15th July
Here's another story from our distribution in Elburgon, Kenya, sent to us by Suzanne Millwood. I thought that having been to Kenya before and having worked with adults with physical disabilities, I would feel fairly equipped and prepared for my trip to Elburgon. This couldn’t... read more »
Elburgon Stories
From the 10th to 20th July 2013, a team from Wheels for the World will be distributing wheelchairs in Elburgon, Kenya. We've received a few stories and photos from them about the start of the trip, and will be adding more as they come... read more »

Tales from Nyeri
Sue Pimentel took part in Wheels' 2012 distribution to Nyeri as an occupational therapist. Since returning, she's spoken at her church (St. Paul's, Barton) about her experiences, and, thanks to the power of the internet, you can listen to her talk and watch her... read more »

Nyeri Blog -- 23 November 2012
Today's blog post comes from Ruth Davey, part of the Wheels team in Nyeri. The picture is one of the first we've had back from this distribution. As we near the end of this Nyeri distribution I feel a sense of gratitude... read more »

Nyeri Blog - November 22nd
Jill, a member of our Wheels team currently in Kenya has emailed with the latest details of the distribution in Nyeri, including a visit to Nyeri prison... How appropriate that during Prison Week in the UK the Wheels team in Kenya were able to supply... read more »

Nyeri Blog - Tuesday 20th November
Wheels for the World Nyeri trip team leader, Glenda, writes: We prayed for more clients and they certainly came yesterday. We were here at the Hospice from 9.00 am till 7.00pm. The power went off a couple of times but that was at least during... read more »