Latest News
Supreme Court ruling enables “level playing field” for wheelchair travellers
Christian disability charity Through the Roof is pleased that the additional difficulties experienced by wheelchair users has been recognised today by the Supreme Court in London. The ruling means that it is discriminatory for a bus driver to “request but not require” a non-disabled... read more »

Volunteers needed!
Volunteer Therapists If you are Physiotherapist or an Occupational therapist, and would like to volunteer 10 days of your time, using your skills to provide life transforming opportunities to disabled people in developing countries, we would love to hear from you. We are a Christian... read more »

Our Winter 2016 Newsletter
The Winter 2016 Vital Link Newsletter is now available for download - this issue contains stories from the Wheels for the World distribution in Eldoret, stories from volunteer leaders, details of TTR's 20th birthday plans, next year's holidays and mission trips and much more.... read more »

Summary of briefing on Lord Shinkwin’s Disability (Abortion Equality) Bill
Here's a summary of our briefing on Lord Shinkwin's Disability (abortion equality) bill and TTR's thoughts on the situation. The full briefing is available to download by following this link Outline of... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (28.10.16)
Departure from normal, two of our members went out on a home visit to see one lady of 85 who is blind and unable to join in on community life. With a wheelchair we were able to supply, she wheeled out and all her... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (27.10.16)
We were greeted with clear blue skies and relentless sun and were very very grateful for the shaded veranda. The tent had been full on our arrival. One group had started out at 2am and arrived at 5am but to some degree we have... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (26.10.16)
Today was our rest day, although few British people would describe spending six hours on a bus as restful! Indeed Helen, who wasn’t feeling 100% in the morning and had chosen to stay behind, looked far more rested and well than the rest of... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (24.10.16)
The first day of our distribution started very early, leaving at 8am. After a detour to avoid a stranded lorry (these things happen in Africa) we arrived on site to be greeted by our first clients who were already waiting. However, we still had... read more »

Permission to Fail (Ros' Blog)
I was talking to a friend recently about the difficulty she has in finding people willing to get involved and take leadership roles in groups and church activities. “People don’t want to do it,” she told me, “because they’re afraid to fail. I wish... read more »

Day 11- Saturday (Wheels in Elburgon 2016)
John and Gunn woke very early as they were catching a flight nearby to enjoy a short safari holiday in the Masai Mara. Thankfully Pastor Davis and his wife, Ruth, accompanied them in the taxi as the ‘airport’ was an unmanned clearing in the... read more »