International Work

Lent Wheelchairs
Save £1 a day for the 40 days of Lent and help transform the life of a disabled person overseas! Saving £1 a day for the 40 days of Lent works out to be just the right amount to sponsor a wheelchair for our Wheels... read more »

2011 Wheelchair Distributions
TTR's Wheels for the World programme has plans for three wheelchair distributions this year: Uganda: 30th March - 9th April Kenya (Nakuru): 7th - 18th September Ghana: 23rd November - 3rd December Teams of volunteers will work with partner organisations in-country to provide and fully fit... read more »

Big Band Fundraiser for Wheels - All Welcome!
Through the Roof is pleased to learn that Stardust Big Band will be holding a Charity Tea Concert in aid of Wheels for the World at Ruislip Manor Methodist Church, Torrington Rd, Ruislip Manor, HA4 0AS on Saturday, 29th January 2011 from 5pm-8pm. Tickets at... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - The final day
Our thanks to Phil Green for his inspiring blogs from the Wheels trip to Kenya - Here's 'Day 9 - packing up and flying home.'. Day started about 6:30 for me... Couldn't sleep so I got up. Glenda, Chris and I headed down... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 8
By Wheels team member, Phil Green... The longest day ! Where do I start... Eeek. I have been heartbroken today several times for various reasons, but the day started at the now normal time of 8:30 and there were people already lined up waiting for... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 7
An emotional blog today, from Wheels team member Phil Green: It's been really hard today both physically and emotionally for myself as well as others. There were a lot of children today and it's a lot to deal with. I often found myself... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 -- Day 6
Day 6 already. Still not sure what day or time it is half the time but the time seems to fly by even though we are starting at about 8:30 and finishing after 6. We are so busy through the day that... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 5
Wheels team member Phil Green continues to blog despite lack of sleep! Day 5 (well an addendum to day 4 also.) Day 5 didn't start so well for me as a plumbing issue meant I was up till about 1am trying to fix a leaking toilet. ... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 4
Phil Green, Wheels team 'techie' writes: Rest day... With a more leisurely start this morning we headed to Nanyuki for a church service at the Vineyard church there. The service was done in English but translated into Swahili. I met a new friend, about 3... read more »

Nyeri, Kenya 2010 - Day 3
Wheels team member and 'blogger' Phil Green writes: An earlier start to the day in order that those working at the hospice could finish early since it is supposed to be their day off. For me to be honest I didn't even know it was... read more »