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Kumi Wheelsblog: Final Thoughts
The Wheels for the World team spent ten days working hard in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. As they head home, here are some final thoughts from team leader, Rob... Last day in Uganda. In a few hours some of the team... read more »

Kumi Wheelsblog: Day 7
The Wheels for the World team are hard at work in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. We'll be bringing you all their updates as often as we can... Today felt like a long last day. We had fewer chairs - in God's... read more »

Kumi Wheelsblog: Day 6
The Wheels for the World team are hard at work in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. We'll be bringing you all their updates as often as we can... Today was another happy and positive day of fitting chairs. read more »

Kumi Wheelsblog: Day 5
The Wheels for the World team are hard at work in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. We'll be bringing you all their updates as often as we can... Today was a new day! And it could not have been more different than... read more »

Kumi Wheelsblog: Day 4
The Wheels for the World team are hard at work in Kumi, Uganda from the 14th to 24th June. We'll be bringing you all their updates as often as we can - here, team leader Rob reflects on a tough day on the distribution.... read more »

Volunteers needed!
Volunteer Therapists If you are Physiotherapist or an Occupational therapist, and would like to volunteer 10 days of your time, using your skills to provide life transforming opportunities to disabled people in developing countries, we would love to hear from you. We are a Christian... read more »

Kosovo Day 7 - Paying Off!
Through the Roof's Wheels for the World team are in Kosovo from the 17th June to the 26th - Linda from the team is sending in reports and blogs as time and internet connection allow. Check back here, read more »

Eldoret 2015 - As it happened!
Here are the day by day reports of the first half of our recent distribution in Eldoret, Kenya, written by team-member, Josh. Photos of the trip are on our Facebook page, and you can read stories of changed lives in the next issue of... read more »

Please Don't Drop Wheelchairs at Storage King
Thank you for all of your wheelchair donations to the work of Wheels for the World. Unfortunately, we're currently unable to accept any more chairs at the Storage King, Epsom facility. Please don't drop any more wheelchairs or mobility aids there! If you have... read more »

International Trips 2016
Through the Roof have trips planned right through into 2016 at the moment, with both our Wheels for the World and Churches Inc programmes. If you're interested in volunteering, or supporting these life-changing trips, please contact our International Missions Manager, Reninca, by email by... read more »