Nyeri Blog - Day 3 - Sunday 18th November


  Nyeri Blog – Day 3 – Sunday 18th November

Nyeri Blog - Day 3 - Sunday 18th November

Nigel Drury (our new International Missions Manager) reports from his first Wheels trip - our wheelchair distribution in Nyeri, Kenya... Sunday's church service for the team was a God-directed choice I believe.  The team, including Pastor Davis Gatua (from Elburgon, another town in Kenya), walked... read more »

  Nyeri Blog — Day 1 – 15/11/12

Nyeri Blog -- Day 1 - 15/11/12

Glenda from our Wheels for the World team is writing a blog from Nyeri. The team will be there running a distribution up until returning to the UK on the 24th November. Here's the first entry... We arrived in Nyeri about 12.00 - all feeling... read more »

  Wheels in Uganda — Phil’s Blog, Days 8 and 9

Wheels in Uganda -- Phil's Blog, Days 8 and 9

Thursday 5th July - Day 8 Started the morning with what seems like a routine now and I have it down to a fine art, so I can afford to stay in bed an extra 30 seconds! Now, this was effectively the last day here as... read more »

  Phil’s Blog – Wheels in Uganda, day 5

Phil's Blog - Wheels in Uganda, day 5

Monday 2nd July Surprisingly awake this morning after about 5 hours sleep and up and ready for breakfast. Back at the main distribution point this morning and again did an initial count of the chairs. As yesterday we are struggling for small chairs so I spent... read more »

  Stephi’s blog – the final two days in Nakuru

Stephi's blog - the final two days in Nakuru

Day 7 Today was a really quiet day in comparison to the last few. We were expecting a bus load of people to come but after about 3 hours we heard that they were stuck because of police road checks.  We think they will come... read more »

  Stephi’s Blog – Wheels distribution day 6

Stephi's Blog - Wheels distribution day 6

We really appreciate Stephi's blogging, bringing us all the news from Nakuru Kenya each day. Here Stephi tells us about some of the disabled people the team helped. Stephi writes: Went to the Catholic centre for 8.30 as usual. Then Alexa and I... read more »

  Stephie’s blog – Days 4 & 5 in Kenya

Stephie's blog - Days 4 & 5 in Kenya

Day 4 The alarm went off at 3:45 UK time (5:45 here) for us to have breakfast and then head out to the first church service at Michinda Secondary School in a village 45 minutes drive from Nakuru. We were welcomed as honoured guests and... read more »

  Stephie’s Blog – Nakuru Days 2 and 3

Stephie's Blog - Nakuru Days 2 and 3

Day 2 We set off at 8:15 to walk to the centre. When we got there, we carried some tent poles to a grass area and the team put up a large tent for us to work in. The centre has a big room where... read more »

  Stephi’s Blog (Wheels in Nakuru) – Day one

Stephi's Blog (Wheels in Nakuru) - Day one

Our youngest Wheels for the World team member, teenager Stephi, is writing about her experiences in Nakuru, Kenya, whilst on a wheelchair distribution trip - we hope you enjoy reading what she has to say! The whole team met up at Heathrow, that's Glenda,... read more »

Our Weakness and God's Strength: Disability Ministry in the Local Church

We have come across a useful blog by John Knight – staff member with John Piper’s ministry, Desiring God. John writes from the perspective of a parent... read more »