
Day 3 - Friday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
The team was excited as at last we were ready for work, having taken two travelling to the Hope of Glory Centre in Elburgon, which was founded by Pastor Davis in 2013. He has worked extremely hard to raise the awareness of disability... read more »

Day 2 - Thursday (Wheels Elburgon 2016)
After a delicious breakfast we crammed our equipment and cases back into the mini-van and set off for our destination in mist and rain. We had a brief stop at the Rift Valley View Point, when the mist lifted to reveal intensive arable land... read more »

DAY 1 – Wednesday (Wheels in Elburgon 2016)
A team from Wheels for the World are working in Elburgon, Kenya from the 31st August to the 10th September 2016 - we'll be adding blog posts and updates from them as often as we can. The team arrived in Nairobi over an hour... read more »

Wheels in Elburgon 2016
A team from Wheels for the World are out in Elburgon from the 31st August to the 10th September, working hard to fit wheelchairs and other mobility aids to local disabled people. We'll bring you updates just as often as time and internet access... read more »

Mental Health, God’s Way (Ros' Blog)
When we did our survey of disabled peoples’ experience of church, some of the respondents were people with mental health difficulties. Sadly, their experience was that churches had little understanding of these conditions and could be somewhat unhelpful in their approach as a result. Having... read more »

Hooray for Generosity (Ros' Blog)
I was recently at a meeting of another charity I’m associated with. We had met principally to pray, but before we did, the Director asked us to brainstorm some ideas about publicity and fundraising. We did come up with lots of ideas, and some... read more »

Front Line or Civilian? (Ros' Blog)
By Mandy Edwards Back in early 2015 Mandy Edwards wrote this blog for us. Now she’s back again with more insights, and I am enjoying following the journey that God is taking her on. Mandy... read more »

Me Before You (Ros' Blog)
There are many things that Christians may disagree about, some of them peripheral and others perhaps more foundational. But one thing I think all of us can agree on is that the Bible gives a clear picture of every human being as made in... read more »

All You Need is Love (Ros' Blog)
I love the way that Jesus approached people, as recorded in the Gospels. He didn’t overthrow convention just for the sake of it, but nor did He allow Himself to be bound by convention when love demanded a different way. For example, when the synagogue... read more »

A Master-Class in Disability Inclusion (Ros' Blog)
“We had a problem at church on Sunday,” someone told me as we chatted at the Big Church Day Out, “a disabled lady in our church was disgruntled because she felt people were ignoring her. But the thing is, we don’t always want to... read more »