
Happy New Year (Ros' Blog)
The Israelites of the Old Testament certainly knew how to celebrate festivals in style. From the festivals of Passover and First Fruits in the month of Nisan, the start of the liturgical year, through the feasts of Pentecost and Tabernacles (think family camping adventure)... read more »

Swords into Ploughshares (Ros' Blog)
As I write, it looks as though the massacre in, and entire destruction of, Aleppo will eclipse even the genocide at Srebrenica in 1995. Hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria remain unaccounted for. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians in homes,... read more »

Here Comes The Bride (Ros' Blog)
I was looking round the congregation at my church yesterday and thinking what a mixed bunch we are. The youngest present was about two years old, the oldest in his mid-eighties. There were singles, couples and families with children. There were people with... read more »

Meet the Bravest of Britain! (Ros' Blog)
I recently had the privilege of talking to Mark McGowan who has just been awarded both the Community Champion award and the Bravest of Britain award in the Charles Holland Awards for Brave Britons 2016, sponsored by Amplifon. Mark is a minister who... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (28.10.16)
Departure from normal, two of our members went out on a home visit to see one lady of 85 who is blind and unable to join in on community life. With a wheelchair we were able to supply, she wheeled out and all her... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (27.10.16)
We were greeted with clear blue skies and relentless sun and were very very grateful for the shaded veranda. The tent had been full on our arrival. One group had started out at 2am and arrived at 5am but to some degree we have... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (26.10.16)
Today was our rest day, although few British people would describe spending six hours on a bus as restful! Indeed Helen, who wasn’t feeling 100% in the morning and had chosen to stay behind, looked far more rested and well than the rest of... read more »

Secrets of the Heart (Ros' Blog)
Have you ever had one of those moments when you feel there is no one who really understands all you are going through? Even people who’ve been through similar experiences don’t always understand one another. I remember when my daughter was born, thirteen weeks prematurely... read more »

Wheelsblog: Uganda (25.10.16)
Day 3 started a bit later than anticipated as one of the team had to embrace the African experience of trying to “quickly” purchase a sim card to make contact with his family in Uganda. The rest of us enjoyed seeing the hustle and... read more »

Wheels in Uganda (Sunday 23.10.16)
Wheels for the World are hard at work in Uganda from the 21st October to the 2nd November, and they'll be reporting back with blog posts and updates whenever time and internet connections allow. Please follow along with all the stories here, and do... read more »