New life in Nigeria 2024 Wheels for the World blog


  New life in Nigeria 2024 Wheels for the World blog

New life in Nigeria 2024 Wheels for the World blog

Our Wheels for the World team in the UK helped support the distribution of life-changing mobility aids to many disabled people in Lagos and Delta State, Nigeria, in March/April 2024.  Over 80 million disabled people worldwide need a wheelchair but don’t have the money or... read more »

  Book review: Loving Our Own Bones

Book review: Loving Our Own Bones

Becky Clegg, a Roofbreaker with personal experience of disability, reviews 'Loving Our Own Bones: Rethinking disability in an ableist world' by Julia Watts Belser  In her latest book, 'Loving our Own Bones', Watts Belser... read more »

  International Roofbreakers in Kerala, India, 2024

International Roofbreakers in Kerala, India, 2024

Our first International Roofbreaker mission trip to Kerala, India, in January 2024 had a profound impact. It touched the lives of at least 135 disabled people and family members. The trip also addressed the hearts and minds of over 200 local Christian leaders, teachers... read more »

  Wheels in Kimilili and Eldoret, Kenya 2023: blog

Wheels in Kimilili and Eldoret, Kenya 2023: blog

Through the Roof is blessed to have two Wheels for the World missions to Kenya in 2023. On the second trip, volunteers visit Kimilili then Eldoret to distribute wheelchairs and mobility aids to disabled people, as well as Bibles, to bring them physical and... read more »

  Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 4

Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 4

For our last blog post from this trip, Andy Tyas shares his memories of the end of our 2023 Wheels for the World trip to Elburgon, Kenya, to distribute wheelchairs that bring freedom to disabled people. This Christian mission is taking place with our... read more »

  Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 3

Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 3

Shaun Burrows, our International Missions Manager, is taking on the role of blogger on our Wheels for the World trip to Elburgon, Kenya to distribute wheelchairs to disabled people. This Christian mission is taking place with our local partner in Elburgon, Pastor Davis from... read more »

  Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 2

Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 2

Shaun Burrows, our International Missions Manager, is taking on the role of blogger on our Wheels for the World trip to Elburgon, Kenya to distribute wheelchairs to disabled people. This Christian mission is taking place with our local partner in Elburgon, Pastor Davis from... read more »

  Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 1

Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 1

Shaun Burrows, our International Missions Manager, is taking on the role of blogger on our Wheels for the World trip to Kenya, to distribute wheelchairs to disabled people in Elburgon. This Christian mission is taking place with our local partner in Elburgon, Pastor Davis... read more »

  Churches Inclusion in Rwanda — blog one

Churches Inclusion in Rwanda -- blog one

Thursday 19th January Trevor Hahn is in Rwanda, taking part in a Churches Inclusion training trip with our local partner Rev Dominique. He'll be sending back reports when time allows -- here's his first report from their important and encouraging inclusion work.  After a few teething... read more »

  One Flock, One Shepherd (part 2) — Ros’ Blog

One Flock, One Shepherd (part 2) -- Ros' Blog

On one of our walks in Snowdonia last month we took the path from Capel Curig to Llyn Ogwen along what had been the old road before the A5 was created. Unlike most of our walks, this was mainly level with only gentle inclines,... read more »