Wheels for the World in Elburgon, Kenya 2023: Blog 4

For our last blog post from this trip, Andy Tyas shares his memories of the end of our 2023 Wheels for the World trip to Elburgon, Kenya, to distribute wheelchairs that bring freedom to disabled people. This Christian mission is taking place with our local partner in Elburgon, Pastor Davis from Hope of Glory Church. Here's is the final report.
Days 8, 9 and 10/11: 24th–26th August 2023
No-one went away without help
On Wednesday 23rd, the Wheels team members - both UK and local partners - worked so well together. They managed to provide everyone a mobility device who came for one. All 129 wheelchairs and other mobility aids that we had were distributed, so no disabled person went away without being helped in some way. Praise God! We are grateful to God for his many blessings on this Wheels for the World trip to Kenya. We pray that God will continue to bless the lives of disabled people in Elburgon.
Nature's blessings in Nakura National Park
On Thursday 24th we rose very early before dawn to go to the Nakura National Park. We were accompanied by Pastor Davis’ wife Ruth and their daughter Ann. The vehicle had a roof that lifted so we could see the sights more clearly by standing up. We drove around the park for nearly 5 hours, stopping to look at a great variety of wildlife including Malibu Storks, Monkeys, Bamboons, Impala, Gazelle, Waterbuck, Antelope, Water Buffalo, Zebra, Giraffes and Fish Eagles.
We stopped at the lakeside to see a magnificent display of Flamingos and white pelicans. Then we were fortunate enough to see a rare and endangered group of White Rhino close up, having spotted a group of Black Rhino earlier. After stopping to see a waterfall and ascending to a view point, we returned to Nakura for some welcome refreshments in a local hotel. Later Pastor Davis and Ruth kindly hosted a late lunch for us at their house.
The journey home begins
Friday 25th was our last day in Kenya (boo hoo!). After a unrushed late breakfast we journeyed to Nakuru for a final bit of shopping and then travelled onwards towards Nairobi. After passing tea plantations we took lunch at the Brackenhurst centre – a very peaceful retreat with good food. We were joined by Pastor Joseph and Geraldine, good friends of Pastor Davis who live in Nairobi and who had hosted us for breakfast on our arrival morning. After that onwards through Nairobi to the airport. A final adventure was waiting in the dark by the departure gate due to a power failure. Everyone there was remarkably calm as though it was an everyday occurrence! We all landed safely and travelled home to rest on Sat 26th.
Please contact Shaun shaun@throughtheroof.org if you are interested in a future follow-up Roofbreaker Church Inclusion trip to Elburgon, supporting recipients practically and spiritually.