Book review: Loving Our Own Bones

Book review: Loving Our Own Bones


Becky Clegg, a Roofbreaker with personal experience of disability, reviews 'Loving Our Own Bones: Rethinking disability in an ableist world' by Julia Watts Belser 

In her latest book, 'Loving our Own Bones', Watts Belser offers a glimpse into disability, aiming to address key questions of inner life and spirituality. She draws some fascinating insights from scriptures that may not be the first to come to mind when grappling with theology through the lens of disability. In this respect, her biblical explorations are quite refreshing and will be my focus here. However, readers should be aware of Watts Belser’s background as a Jewish rabbi, where the need for Jesus as the promised Messiah is overlooked.

God on wheels

'Loving our Own Bones' opens with a rather picturesque account of daily life and getting around with a disability. Seeing her walking gait as having a ‘distinctive rhythm’ had me smiling in recognition. Others may appreciate the tangible ‘wheels rolling over tarmac’. This leads into Watts Belser’s notion of ‘God on Wheels’, born of her identification with Ezekial’s vision of God appearing ‘on a vast chariot, lifted up by four angelic creatures with fused legs, lustrous wings, and great wheels’. God is seen as identifying with the joys and freedom of freewheeling, as well as the pains and frustrations of negotiating obstacles along the way; (obstacles being the disabling factor, not impairment itself, according to the social model of disability highlighted here).

With the final chapter of 'Loving our Own Bones' also devoted to ‘God on Wheels’, Watts Belser speculates on God’s own body. It may seem fair enough that this line of thought is based on the biblical concept of everyone being born in God’s own image. However, trying to humanise God dismisses God’s omnipresence and divinity which spans beyond any human understanding. At least one paragraph is a direct repetition of one found in the opening chapter. It is beautifully descriptive and underlies Watts Belser’s enthusiasm for the concepts, but also shows that there is only so far one can go when limiting God to human understanding.

Wrestling with disability in the Old and New Testaments

Notwithstanding, readers will likely resonate with issues that Watts Belser draws on from following key Old Testament characters. Moses’s bargaining with Pharaoh (to free the Israelites from Egypt) was hesitant on account of his speech impairment, which seems reasonable to me as someone who shares this disability. However, Moses is then equipped just as God needed him to be. I say needed, as it is then suggested that God needed Moses to fulfil this rescue plan. This may be so, but the passage shows how God crafts His plan and who He has chosen to carry out His mission. Watts Belser helpfully quotes the verses to say that it is all the Lord’s doing. Additionally, God has already ensured Moses will be supported. Not only is Aaron prime candidate as his brother’s spokesperson; their intimate connection is foreseen to provide moral support. Yes, relying on support can be frustrating if it goes wrong, as the text explores, but this interdependence is a helpful picture of what God intended for his church.

Turning to the New Testament, we see the account in Luke's Gospel of the woman enduring eighteen years of bent posture and pain. Here, the contentious issue of healing is laid bare. Whatever your personal stance, Watts Belser’s focus on the woman’s anonymity seems to be a vehicle for her frustration with ‘overcoming disability’ headlines.

Watts Belser’s critical approach in 'Loving our Own Bones' also shows in her ‘hatred’ of the story of Isaac’s blessing getting mixed up between his sons Jacob and Esau. Isaac is subjected to expectations of disabled people working around their impairments. Her assertion that this story ‘gets disability wrong’ suggests Watts Belser’s limited understanding of the characters as individuals.

Clear acceptance and 'loving her own bones'

Watts Belser concludes her search for answers or healing with a clear acceptance of who she is meant to be, whatever the reason, and ‘loving her own bones’. There are many times when we will choose to share and educate, as Watts Belser does in many instances recorded here, but this is where we are personally guided. This may go some way to healing at a societal level, if the disabling obstacles lie within societal attitudes, Watts Belser argues.

In sum, in 'Loving our Own Bones', Watts Belser makes an impressive attempt to wrestle with a range of issues concerning disability and faith, with a deeply personal touch. You may identify with the amusing anecdotes of daily life littered through the text. However, the text does leave you wondering about Watts Belser’s exact relationship with God and what her purpose is here.

'Loving Our Own Bones' by Julia Watts Belser is published in the UK edition by Hodder & Stoughton (ISBN 9781399804240)

International Roofbreakers in Kerala, India, 2024


Our first International Roofbreaker mission trip to Kerala, India, in January 2024 had a profound impact. It touched the lives of at least 135 disabled people and family members. The trip also addressed the hearts and minds of over 200 local Christian leaders, teachers and students, giving them a more Biblical view of disability inclusion.

We were told that very often in India, disabled people are separated from the rest of society, and sadly most churches do not include any disabled people at all. The Kerala International Roofbreaker mission made an immediate difference to this situation.

A group of six team members from the UK visited Kerala and joined with local Christians from our partner organisation, Sathyam Ministries. The volunteers shared about the Biblical basis for valuing and including disabled people, and how this can be done in practice. The message was strengthened by the fact that the Roofbreaker team included UK volunteers who are disabled themselves. Many pastors from Kerala pledged to change things in their churches and to reach out to local disabled people.

International Roofbreakers missions provide pastoral support for the local disabled people who received wheelchairs and mobility aids the year before, in our Wheels for the World mission. 

God has given us a vision for International Roofbreaker events to train and encourage local churches in developing countries to support and value disabled people in their communities. To do this, we invite local Christians to become International Roofbreakers, or disability champions, who break down barriers to full inclusion in church and Christian life.

In the blog posts below, Anne, a UK Roofbreaker, shares her experiences from the Kerala trip, and the many ways it encouraged local disabled people and educated the community.

Arrival in Kerala

"On the first day, we were invited by our host, Dr. CV, to a get-together, known as ‘Ability Meet.’ As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by a sea of smiling faces. A terrific welcome: everyone seemed pleased to see us and we were presented with flowers.

A smiling, older Indian man in a blue checked shirtWe were able to speak, through an interpreter, sharing a little about Through the Roof, and also to meet and chat with people. Some of those we met had been given wheelchairs from Through the Roof previously. A lovely man, with a terrific smile, disabled as the result of an accident, commented on how the gift of a wheelchair enabled his independence. He is also reading his Bible.

One particularly amazing granddad had enough English to tell me his granddaughter has an extra chromosome-18, a condition also known as Edward’s syndrome.

This granddad has a terrific faith. The doctors predicted that his granddaughter would only live for two years, but she is eight years old, and she is starting to talk and make progress. He gives God the glory.

He said ‘medical science can fail, but God doesn't fail – my granddaughter is alive because Jesus is alive’. He said she worships with them. He takes her everywhere, as a witness to the faith. This man and others were a real blessing to us."

Another packed but rewarding day 

"Today we visited local people at home. All the families had a member who is a wheelchair user.

The first lady we saw is called Pennamma, she is 97 years of age. Martyn, our team leader remembers her from when she received her wheelchair from us on the Kerala Wheels for the World trip. Pennamma was using the wheelchair when we saw her. She spoke about having reached the age of 97 and being happy for God to call her home. Her favourite Bible passage is Psalm 23. The Lord is indeed our Shepherd and He has guided Pennamma through 97 years!

In the next home we visited, the family have a small boy called Aardhil. He was making good use of the wheelchair we previously gave him. The family said that the wheelchair acts as a ‘pacifier’, calming him when he is stressed. It also enables his brother, and the rest of the family, to take him for a walk in the local area.Photo of a small boy from India, aged about 7, sleeping in his wheelchair. He is wearing a pink Winnie the Pooh T shirt and khaki trousers. His feet are bent, so they curl in heavily, rather than going out in front of him.

This little boy, Aardhil, has no sight. He had a cornea transplant operation recently, but this was not successful, and the family have asked for prayer. He has hearing and was able to respond to us by waving. He likes music and listens to Christian worship songs.

The main thing that has struck me, throughout the trip so far, is the level of care and support shown to each individual person by their families. It is very humbling. We hope to inspire the local community to offer support as well, so everyone can belong and play their part in life."

Inspiration from the young and old 

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘀

“Yesterday morning we met two elderly ladies, both named Maryama! They also both have a strong Christian faith. The simple faith of the people we have met has really touched us.
The first Maryama has a favourite Scripture passage: Psalm 91. She can't see to read, but the Bible passages are written in her mind and on her heart.

Eighteen years ago, this lady nearly died. The doctors told her to prepare for her death (literally they told her to buy a coffin). She had faith in God though, that it wasn't her time.
She didn't die and her daughter-in law, who cares for her, heard a voice from heaven saying 'You've got your Mother back, now care for her’, and she does.

The second Maryama has been bed-ridden for two months, due to diabetes. Sadly, she can't really use her wheelchair now, and finds it hard to praise God; I believe she still praises God, in her heart. One of our team sang a praise song to her – with actions! It lifted her spirits."

𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗛𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲

"In the afternoon, we visited the children's wards of an orphanage. It had beautiful gardens outside. We were all touched by the level of care given to these children by the nuns who run it. Many of the children have severe disabilities. Several children had received wheelchairs from Wheels for the World – many with decorations on. The wheelchairs had totally transformed their lives. They can sit up and look around for the first time.

The children were full of smiles. Several of the children sang for us. One blind girl had a little English. Another girl could point to India on a map and correctly identify an eagle in a book.
Tragically, these children are mainly unwanted by their parents. They were all friends, and they held hands. The orphanage touched the hearts of all of us." We pray the children will be blessed."

Local church leaders catch the vision

“Yesterday we met a group of pastors, church leaders and Sunday school teachers. Around 50 people attended the conference which was held in the same hall as before.
The meeting opened in prayer. We were then given a rendition by young people from Justin’s Home, the local education centre for people with additional needs.
A group of about 50 Indian people, mostly male, some female (with head scarves) sat in rows of chairs, listening to a man speaking at the front of a large hall, with a wooden sign behind that says 'The Upper Room'. Next to the man speaking is a lady from the UK in a wheelchair, wearing a pink dress, who is getting ready to address the group.Our UK team leader Janet spoke, from John's gospel, explaining that disability is not a curse or a punishment from God for the individual’s sin or the sin of the parents. This is a common misconception here and may lead to disabled people being shunned within society. Martyn spoke on being adopted in God's family and Abigail sang and gave a word of testimony.
We had a time of group discussion, where we asked the audience to think about why people with disabilities are not valued within their communities. We received a good response. We discovered that some churches do have things already in place to include disabled people.
Today we are going to respond to the feedback from yesterday. Jewels, a disabled UK volunteer who is a wheelchair user, will give her testimony. We will finish by asking the question ‘What one thing can you do, in addition to what you already may do, so that disabled people feel valued in your church’. We pray that many churches will be inspired to do more for disabled people in their communities."

‘We need to be like Jesus’

"This is our final blog, reflecting on our last day of Roofbreaker events, before our team day out to close the trip (to see more of Kerala with an enjoyable trip to the elephant sanctuary).

Yesterday, we were speaking again, to pastors, church leaders and Sunday school teachers. The meeting opened in prayer. Students from Justin's Home performed music for us again, singing and playing musical instruments. The meeting then began, as we discussed feedback from the previous day, and gave a response to some of people's questions. We read from the Bible: the ‘Good Samaritan’ and the ‘Sheep and the goats’.

Next, Jewels gave her testimony, explaining her lived experience as a disabled Christian. Afterwards, Abigail interviewed two local disabled Christians about their stories. They both enjoyed church, listening to testimonies, and praising God. Justin, Dr CV’s son, thanked God for his parents and siblings. Martyn spoke on ‘Glorifying God' and Janet talked more about what it means to be a Roofbreaker.

Finally, we asked a question: ‘After what you have heard over the past two days, what one thing will you implement, in order to show you include and value disabled people?'

People responded very well to the whole event. They commented that they particularly enjoyed Jewels’ testimony. One man mentioned that he had never thought about people with disabilities before, now he will. Several leaders said they are going to implement changes.

One very special attendee stood up at the end and gave a word of testimony. He has a hidden disability. The whole message, from us and our Indian brothers and sisters can be summed up in the words ‘We need to be like Jesus’."

Your support means so much

If you would like to get involved with International Roofbreaker missions through prayer or volunteering, visit our International Get Involved page. If you're interested in joining a trip (volunteers need to raise funds for their own costs and air fare) visit our Planned trips page or email

Please consider donating funds to this Gospel-centred work: your support means so much to us and to the disabled communities in the developing countries we reach. 

News release: Understanding autistic meltdowns and shutdowns video

Triona Brading, an autistic Christian who is a Roofbreaker disability champion with Through the Roof, has teamed up with the charity again for a second video: ‘Understanding autistic meltdowns and shutdowns.

Triona shares “helpful starting points for discussions with the autistic people in your church” to create awareness and begin dialogue, so autistic people can feel at home.

What does the video cover? 

The new video explains the difference between two different responses an autistic person may have to feeling overwhelmed: an outward response (a meltdown) and an inward response (a shutdown).

It gives useful tips on how to prepare in advance for meltdowns and shutdowns, talking to autistic individuals before anything happens about what support or help they may want. It also covers what you could do if a meltdown or shutdown emotional response is already happening. For a run-time and content list, see the video description on YouTube at the video link here

Advice from Triona is: “If it’s possible, in the space that you have, and the setting that you’re in, you might want to think about a plan for if someone is experiencing a meltdown.”

A more inclusive church for autistic people

Church can be a difficult and confusing place for autistic people, but it doesn’t have to be that way. This video aims to help people in churches learn how to create a more inclusive church environment for autistic people, with practical tips and advice that can be easily and quickly implemented.

Triona, an advocate for making the church a more accessible place for autistic and neurodiverse people, released the video as the second in her series of Autism and neurodiversity videos for churches @TTRChangesLives on YouTube. The first in the series is called 'Supporting autistic individuals in our churches', and is available at the series link above.

“The best thing you can do is talk to autistic people you know that come to your church groups and services, and see what they would like in place.” Triona says.

Please watch, like and share the video

Send a positive message to autistic people in your community – watch, like and share the video in your church or community so everyone grows in understanding and can offer a truly accessible welcome for autistic people.

Through the Roof provides free support and resources through its Roofbreaker project to enable Christian disability inclusion. Find out more at:

Carol Dyer – Roofbreaker Co-ordinator for East and South-east England


Carol Dyer lives in Gosport, Hampshire and is married with 5 boys. Her role as a Regional Roofbreaker Co-ordinator is to support and grow the work in the East and South-east of England. Carol has a real heart for both adults and children with disabilities and would love to see more churches making their places of worship a place where disabled people feel accepted and belong.

She has a special place in her heart for children with special educational needs and disabilities, having worked for a number of years in a school setting with SEND children.

If you would you like to know more about our Roofbreaker project and how you and your church can be involved then please get in contact with Carol Dyer

News release: ABC journey of disability inclusion

Sarah, Chief Candle Snuffer (Luke 5 Award nominator)

Disability charity Through the Roof is calling on all UK churches to join the ABC journey of disability inclusion, from Access to Belonging to Commission. We are sharing a new framework – the ABC model. It is a simple tool for churches to show that disability inclusion is about more than just access.

Disabled people are hugely under-represented in the Church. 24% of the UK are disabled people: so nearly ¼ of the total UK population. That is more than the percentage of under 18s – yet our churches do not always reflect that percentage, and there is rarely any support or ministry in churches specifically for disabled people.

Many barriers: social as well as physical

There are many barriers faced by disabled people to their spiritual life. Access to church buildings is just the first step. People can still feel excluded once they are in a church, if they do not feel like they belong, or that their gifts are valued.

The later steps, B for Belonging and C for Commission, are essential parts of the ABC journey, as Sarah’s story clearly shows:

“I have Down’s Syndrome and severe hearing loss… . I felt excluded at church because everyone had a job, and I didn’t. Our Churchwardens included me. I am now the ‘chief snuffer’. I snuff out the candles after the service. I am happy because I am helping and I feel part of a team.”

Read more here on Sarah’s church life being transformed. Sarah’s experience of feeling left out is common. Churches often think about practical access to church, but that’s where they stop. At Through the Roof, we are sharing the ABC to show that disability inclusion is a journey, with Access as the starting point. Belonging is a crucial next step, which leads on to the Commission of disabled people to use their giftings.

What is the ABC model?

The ABC is a simple three-part framework which forms a natural progression to help people think through how to include disabled people. It reflects the fact that disability inclusion in church and Christian life is a journey through different stages.

Here is a summary of the ABC model Through the Roof uses, working with churches and people across all disabilities to enable: Access, Belonging and Commission…  

  • Access: For everyone to know Jesus, with disabled people fully welcomed into Christian life  
  • Belonging: For everyone to grow together as the family of God, with disabled people flourishing in community with others  
  • Commission: For everyone to reflect the character of Jesus, with disabled people making disciples, to the glory of God.

Find out more about the ABC at

How does Through the Roof help?

Through the Roof’s ‘Roofbreaker’ initiative encourages all churches or ministries to have a nominated Roofbreaker disability champion. Or it could be a team of Roofbreakers, who are available to connect with disabled people, listening to challenges they face. Roofbreakers travel alongside people through the ABC journey, supporting them in finding ways around any barriers to being fully included in church and Christian life.

66% of churches say they need ideas about how to include disabled people in church activities (ComRes/Savanta). Through the Roof can help your church or ministry with:

  • a FREE 2 hour Zoom Disability Awareness workshop for churches who appoint a disability champion or ‘Roofbreaker’
  • access to a free downloadable ‘Church Toolkit’ and 'Removing Barriers' church accessibility audit, available to all Roofbreaker disability champions
  • a 50% discount on Through the Roof resources to all Roofbreakers
  • advice and support from one of three Roofbreaker Co-ordinators covering the whole of the UK, to encourage disability inclusion in all churches
  • support through monthly emails, events, social media and Roofbreaker Networks.

Katie Mobbs, Roofbreaker Team Leader, who is herself a wheelchair user says:
“I am so excited about the ABC journey because I believe that it is a pathway for more disabled people to be released for mission, sharing their gifts and skills to the glory of God. The ABC acronym is easy to remember, so it reminds us of God’s ‘Great Commission’. It represents an invitation for each and everyone of us – it is the Gospel in action.”

What can I do?

Help your church to include disabled people – become a Roofbreaker!

You don’t need to be an expert in disability to be  Roofbreaker disability champion. All you need to do is be available to connect with disabled people in your church or community, helping to break down barriers to Access, Belonging and Commission.

With a Roofbreaker, your church can send a positive message to disabled people by joining our online map of Roofbreaker churches. You can be on the map whether your church or ministry is just starting, or continuing, on the ABC journey towards better disability inclusion.

Find out how your church can be blessed by the full involvement of disabled people at: or @TTRChangesLives on social media.


Remembering Mike Townsend


Dear Through the Roof family

It is with sad hearts that we announce that Mike Townsend, Through the Roof’s Chair of Trustees, passed away on 28th November 2023.

Mike and his wife, Edith, had been on a cruise in the Caribbean when Mike was admitted to hospital in Antigua with breathing difficulties. It was found to be a re-occurrence of the pneumonia he had suffered in recent years. He had also endured a cardiac arrest, which meant some of his organs had begun to shut down. Although his condition stabilised for a short time, sadly he had encountered too many complications for his body to recover. Edith’s sister flew out to be with her, to support her in plans and arranging the logistics of returning to the UK.

Mike played a huge role in the development of Through the Roof, having been involved since the early years, and we are grateful for his giving of time, energy, skills and experience. We remember him as someone who was passionate about challenging people’s attitudes towards disabled people and helping them see things from God’s perspective. He was also a great advocate, and role model, for disabled people fulfilling their potential in God’s sight - a real Roofbreaker! A very moving obituary has been published by Premier Christianity.

We will miss Mike, but we share his faith and trust in the Lord, so we rejoice that Mike is now in his eternal home with Jesus. We’re sure he was greeted by those wonderful words: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’ (Matt 25:23).

Please join with us in continuing to pray for Edith; their daughter, Christine; and the family. Thank you.

Yours in His service

Tim Wood (CEO) and Rev Trevor Hahn (Vice Chair)


Share your memories and condolences

Many people have asked if they can share condolences and memories of Mike in a memorial book or page.

There is now an online condolences page set up, so follow this link to contribute to it with your thoughts and prayers. 

If you would like something to be put on the page but can't access it, please feel free to email with your comments and we will sort this out for you.

God Grows Our Gifts: Winter 2023 Vital Link Newsletter


Welcome to the Winter 2023 Vital Link newsletter from Through the Roof.

Download your copy to:

  • read all about our the latest Wheels for the World work of lives transformed with our partners in Kenya
  • watch our new autism support video and share it in churches, with more videos to come!
  • hear about the launch of Together @ Home, a new online fellowship and prayer group
  • read stories of success for Disability Awareness Sunday 2023, from churches and in the media
  • find out the power of a mustard seed, demonstrated by a church in Yorkshire
  • and much more...

Wheels in Kimilili and Eldoret, Kenya 2023: blog


Through the Roof is blessed to have two Wheels for the World missions to Kenya in 2023. On the second trip, volunteers visit Kimilili then Eldoret to distribute wheelchairs and mobility aids to disabled people, as well as Bibles, to bring them physical and spiritual freedom. Sophie Luckett, a UK team member, writes about the experience of the mission trip.

Kimilili distribution

Day 1: Arrival at Kimilili

After a long 22 hours of travel, 11 exhausted volunteers arrived in Kimilili, Kenya. We were greeted with a warm and enthusiastic welcome by our hosts at the guest house, owned by IcFEM, our local partner organisation. We were met by Leonard, a local team member, at Kisumu, from where we had a three-hour drive to the guest house in Kimilli. Ruth, Irene and lots of other workers at the house warmly welcomed us and Philip the chef prepared us tea, coffee and sandwiches, before we rested and settled into our accommodation. 

UK Wheels team members on their journey to Kimilili, 3 ladies with suitcases are stood outside a station or airport, talking to a local man in a smart, patterned shirt.
Time to pray

After a delicious chicken dinner, we had a time of prayer and reflection as a team. Carol shared Philippians 1:9-11, ”And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

It was a great reminder to us all, that what Paul is talking about to the people in Philippi is the same for us today. We should be praying for ourselves, our team and all the other people that we encounter during our time away that our love may continue to grow and grow in Christ, and pray that any decisions we have to make will be done for the glory of God.  



Day 2: Preparation day in Kimilili

Preparation Day! The power of a good night sleep was felt amongst us all this morning, with Leonard noting, “they look a lot better than yesterday”; a cheeky chappy! It was great, as feeling refreshed and rested meant we were ready for a long day of preparation at the IcFEM mission headquarters. 

On the short walk to the headquarters, we walked past lots of children and their mothers playing on the grass, with lots of laughter and screams of joy. The children were so excited to see us, they came bouncing over, skipping and very eager to shake our hands and ask us “how are you?” I was so struck by not only the confidence they had, but the contentment, happiness and joy that beamed from them when playing with any other children around them, and greeting visitors in their village. It was so beautiful to see!
Photo of rows of wheelchairs, lined up ready to be distributed on the Wheels for the World mission in Kimilili. UK and local Kenyan team members are checking and organising the chairs.

Getting to work

We arrived to see the 135 wheelchairs that had arrived in the container before us. It was time to meet the workers from IcFEM who each gave us an introduction about their role on the team. IcFEM aims to reach a huge range of people in the community, through the many programmes that they have thought and prayed so hard about. They want everyone to see that they are a Child of God. Everyone is loved by Him: no matter their gender, age, ability or anything else. Ruth quoted “love thy neighbour as thy self”, which emphasised their mission to reach the lost and to love them like Jesus loves us! 

We got straight to work: the four therapists, two techies and helpers from IcFEM all started arranging the wheelchairs into piles, according to the coloured tape which showed the size differences. 135 wheelchairs, numerous sets of crutches and walking aids and 8 buggies were sorted, then we selected what was needed for day 1 of the distribution.

Two female UK Wheels team members unpack Bibles to give out on the Wheels for the World mission. They are smiling, stood at a table outside the IcFEM centre.Meanwhile the other members of the team were arranging all the extra materials: seat covers, harnesses, extra padding and foam. Myself, Carol and a few members from IcFEM were sorting out all the Bibles for the wheelchair recipients, putting stickers on them and sorting them out for each distribution day. While we did this, we had a lovely opportunity for conversation, where we found out lots about the workers’ families, children, wives, husbands. It was such a precious time for both myself and Carol as we began to build foundations for friendships with those we’d be working with over the next few days. 


A photo of buildings at the IcFEM centre, with finished neatly painted buildings at the front, and rough stone block buildings with scaffolding at the back, as construction continues.

Visiting IcFEM hospital

After lunchtime, we visited IcFEM Dreamland Hospital, where Ruth gave us an amazing tour of the site: the different wards, inpatients, outpatients, and then the school. It was incredible to see the work they have done and prayed for over so many years. This year they have opened the new-born unit for premature babies, where they’ve recently had tiny triplets staying. Currently the hospital is building two new operating theatres. We ask that you may continue praying for God's provision, that the resources and funds will be available.

Please also pray for Wheels for the World teams: that the Lord is with us and will continue to use us for glory, honour and praise. 

Psalm 91:4, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”


Day 3: First distribution day - Naitri

The first day of distribution: 26 wheelchairs; 12 mobility aids. The team were ready to go, although slightly apprehensive and a little nervous for what the day would unfold. We were reminded of Philippians 2 verse 3-4: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

A female UK Wheels team member is sitting on the floor with a smiling young Kenyan boy. They are talking and using paper from a notebook. There are coloured crayons and coloured fabric on the floor– perhaps a play parachute, with stripes of red, yellow and purple. When we arrived in Naitri, we were greeted with a crowd of women welcoming us off the coach, hugging and leading us inside the centre, ready for the distribution. One older lady came and lead me over to a little corner of the field, where there were four children, one who was severely disabled and looked in quite a lot of distress.

Encouraging play

As the play specialist on the mission team, my aim was to make the little boy and the siblings feel as comfortable, loved and valuable as possible, whilst they waited to be seen by one of our physios. I greeted little Moses gently with a wave and a “Jambo” (a Swahili greeting) and gave him time to look in my direction and understand that I was talking to him. Throughout the morning, I supported the family and brought in a range of different sensory toys, lights, noisy toys, and little cars and a dolly for the other children to play with.Sophie, the UK Wheels team play specialist, demonstrating use of a scarf as a swing for a young local Kenyan boy who is severely disabled, to give him relief and sensory input.
Moses really responded well to the stimulus of the lights. He would fixate on them, which would calm him down and would relax his body. We also made a makeshift swing out of a large scarf. I demonstrated using this to the family to show them how they can give Moses relief, as well as sensory input, from being swung side to side.

Having the time and resources to come alongside the family and teach them how to engage with their children was hugely rewarding. It led to lots of positive conversations and the families feeling cared for and acknowledged. After having these conversations, I was then able to give the therapist team the information they needed to support the families. I continued to be available to support the children and families during their consultations.

Two female UK Wheels team members talking to two local men – one of them is holding a book. One of the men in a red baseball cap and a smart suit is gesturing to the book. They are sitting in a circle in a hall, with others in the background.Prayer and pastoral care

The Pastoral Team sees each person who comes to the distribution, and their family. The team have been opening up the Bible and sharing Psalm 139: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

The most important thing for people to know is that there is a God who made them in His image and loves them. Please pray that each person we encounter will see the love of Jesus and will come into a personal relationship with him.

Each person who receives a wheelchair also receives a Bible, and all people who see the pastoral team receive prayer and a copy of Psalm 139. Carol in the pastoral team has been reading to the children from a book called ‘Just as I am’ which highlights that God made them in his image: that they are special to Him and loved very much by Him. 


Day 4: Namwela

A number of people walked into the distribution centre, visibly struggling; they were provided with walking aids. Many of these people were limited in their mobility due to circumstances that in the UK would have been resolved and treated, resulting in no lasting impact.

One adult that Kathy saw had a large open wound on the top of his foot due to a road traffic accident. He really needed a skin graft but could not afford the medical insurance. He was provided with a walking aid to help him to get around and a referral has been made to Dreamland Hospital. With the support of IcFEM we hope he will get the treatment he needs to make a full recovery.
A female UK Wheels team member talking to a local family – she is holding a clip board with a form on it. The family includes a man in a red baseball cap and a yellow T shirt, a woman in a bright blue coat and grey woollen hat, and a young boy in a maroon jumper. They are sitting in a circle in a hall.

John's story

During the morning, Joanna saw a wonderful 71-year-old man, John, and his adult grandson. John was wearing a very smart burgundy suit and very trendy croc shoes. The grandson did lots of the advocating for John, as he is blind, has diabetes, previously had a stroke, and was very tired, falling asleep quite often.
John also has memory problems, which we suspect may be dementia. Joanna fitted John with a wheelchair which will give John a comfortable and safe way of being moved without having to be carried everywhere. This will have a huge impact on John’s grandson and the rest of the family who care for John. Carol and the pastoral team prayed with them. She encouraged the grandson to keep doing a wonderful job in looking after his grandfather, reminding him that Jesus will give him the strength each day. John was given an audio bible to take with him so he can still regularly listen to God’s Word.

The last two days have been very busy but extremely positive. We’ve seen 87 people over the first two days of the distribution, but there will be a much wider impact on their families, friends and community. We pray the Bibles they have received will be well used, and that the people will integrate into a loving and welcoming local church.


Day 5: Sunday rest

A day of rest… the 11 of us split between 3 different churches on Sunday morning. Some of us went to Chrisco, some went to Friends church and others visited King Jesus Gospel Ministries (KJGM). It was so lovely to be welcomed and accepted into each church. 

Graham, who has been our administrator and finance man, went along with three others (including his wife Kathy) to KJGM. The sermon was on the Good Samaritan and was preached by David, part of the IcFEM team who is one of the pastors, and guest speaker Leonard. Graham was thrilled to hear the sermon preached, with the link to disability inclusion. They sang hymns in both English and Kiu Swahili, and the preacher David’s twin sons sang a duet. The noise of praise for Jesus was joyful. 

After our church services, we all went back to our host’s houses. Carol, Gunn and John went to Macdon’s house where his wife Shelia cooked a delicious hearty meal, and there were lots of appearances from their own children and other people they support in their home. The children sang them lots of songs with actions, which brought lots of smiles and laughter.
A big group of Kenyan children singing and dancing in an outdoor yard, with washing hanging above them, led by a Kenyan lady in her Sunday-best green dress

Day 6: From calm to crazy-busy!

The busiest, craziest, most tiring day: 10 hours; 57 wheelchairs; 6 mobility aids. Our 5 therapists, 2 technicians, 1 admin, 1 play specialist, 1 pastoral worker, 1 photographer and our lovely translators and workers from IcFEM tackled the day with compassion, empathy and strength from the Lord. We drew on the promise in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this through him who gives me strength”. It was great to be reminded of this, as lots of us were feeling a bit nervous and fatigued with the amount of people needing to be seen – but it is not from our own strength, but through the Lord’s. 

The day seemed to go by in a bit of a blur… Neil and Enos, our technicians, were hard at work all day long, fixing parts of the chairs, making lots of cushions and adjusting lots of footplates. Neil was relieved when the day was finally over, but was joyful as he reflected back on what the team had achieved. He said:

“It was a very worthwhile day, seeing so many people helped with wheelchairs & mobility aids. It was evident that they were pleased by the smiles on their faces which showed their joy in receiving wheelchairs and the impact it will have on their day-to-day life. They were then in a situation of being able to go to church; the children were now able to go to school; when previously so many of them were stuck at home. There were lots of challenging and complex adjustments that needed to be made for the clients, but I was grateful for the partnership and teamwork that Enos and myself developed, along with IcFEM partner David. It was a tiring but a great day!” 

Sammy signs 'happy'

Photo of Sammy, a young man with cerebral palsy, wearing a red T shirt. He is crawling on his knees, next to his new wheelchair, given to him on the Wheels for the World Kimilili mission to Kenya. Behind him a female UK Wheels team member is chatting to a Kenyan lady.One client that arrived at the IcFEM headquarters was Sammy. Sammy was only 21 but had already conquered many challenges in life – he has cerebral palsy, was non-verbal and unable to walk. Sadly, his father died and his mother left him when he was three, taking the other ‘healthy’ siblings with her, due to the stigma and difficulties around having a child with a disability. However, a lovely guardian took him in, loving and caring for him. Joanna (one of our physios) requested that I came over to Sammy, as during her observations, she noticed that he was gesturing with his hands.

Sammy was indeed communicating to us using Makaton. Once we realised this, I began talking to Sammy using the basic symbols that I know. He had already been given the wheelchair at this point, but adjustments were being made by the techies. The independence that Sammy had using his wheelchair, as he was able to self-propel, would allow him to comfortably and safely get around college and his home. 

Sammy beamed with joy and kept signing ‘happy’. He was now ready to go to the pastoral team. Both myself and Joanna were feeling very emotional at the joy in seeing the transformation from a young man shuffling in on the floor, to the same man leaving with dignity. I signed to Sammy ‘Jesus loves you’ and he reciprocated ‘Jesus loves you and me!’. Which was the best result!


Day 7: Kwaheri (goodbye) Kimilili, Jambo (hello) Eldoret

We had a lovely debrief with our partners at IcFEM in Kimilili, as we prepared to say goodbye. We chatted through the trip: the strengths, the weaknesses, the improvements, but most importantly we prayed with thanksgiving to the Lord for the 102 wheelchairs, the 44 mobility aids and the many Bibles given out. We pray they will have a ripple effect through the families and local communities. 

The director of IcFEM, Solomon, led the meeting and was visibly emotional whilst reflecting back on what the team had achieved over the three distributions, transforming the lives of many in their communities. Matthew 28:19 tells us to “Go out and make disciples of all nations”. The distribution of wheelchairs and mobility aids was extremely important, however even more importantly was the spiritual health of all those we encountered. What side of the fence were they on? Had they rejected Jesus, were they undecided or had they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour? We pray that seeds of faith in Jesus have been sown.A female UK Wheels volunteer (Sophie the play worker?) is sat at eye level with a disabled Kenyan child who sat in a push-chair. The child has an enlarged head and a very small torso with little or no limbs. She is wrapped is a soft cream blanket, and the Wheels worker is clipping her lovingly into the push-chair to keep her secure with the safety belt.

We strived to show the love of Christ in whatever role we played during the days in Kimilili. Carol and the pastoral team were really able to show people why we came on this distribution: not for our own glory, but for Christ’s – to show how wide and long and high and deep His love is for all people, including those with a disability! 

On the road to Eldoret

A last snack of chai tea and a slice of bread was eaten before we headed off on the bus, beginning our journey to Eldoret. The 2-hour drive went relatively quick, with the majority of us falling asleep before the driver had turned the engine on! 

We arrived in Eldoret, at the CBR guesthouse, where we were greeted by Reverend Grace, who took us to our rooms and allowed us to rest and recharge before another day of distribution. After a delicious fish dinner, we had a time of reflection and prayer as a team. Carol opened up the Bible in Philippians 4; it was great to be reminded of the peace that the Lord gives us and how we need to take our anxieties to Him and let them go, because He is in control:

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:4-7)


Days 8 and 9: A sprint to the finish! 

An early start: breakfast at 6:30am; doors opened at 8am. Verse of the day: Philippians 4:8 “finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things”. We were out of a comfort zones, another new place to navigate with new people who we needed to get to know, we were tired but rejoiced that it was a new day. 

We set up our stations, the 5 therapists scattered around, the play zone, the techie corner, the check-in station in the sun, and Carol in a little side room. Now we were ready and eager. And we were excited for the clients we were going to meet. 

Therapists Frances, Belinda, Kathy, Gunn and Joanna were whizzing through each client, carefully assessing and working out which wheelchair or mobility aid would be suitable, and what adaptations they would need to make with the techies. 

A young Kenyan girl in a dark blue tracksuit is smiling at the camera, holding the box of a space jigsaw puzzle she’s been given to play with. Joy and faith

A very smiley and chatty young girl, who was around 11 years old, stole both mine and Kathy’s heart. She had polio as a young child which affected her walking and was using homemade crutches out of wood to get around. The girl loved bubbles, and was very excited to be able to use them herself. We had lots of games of who can pop the bubbles the fastest, which echoed a roar of giggles around the centre. 

Kathy was able to provide a set of new crutches, which fit the girl correctly, and instantly she was up walking around and smiling lots. The girl and her parents were evidently so grateful for the freedom that these crutches would be able to give her in being able to safety and comfortably move around her school and her home. She left with lots of little toys and when asked what she wanted to be, she said “a Doctor, not sure what type, but God knows.” What an encouragement of faith this young girl had: her trust was completely in Jesus’ plan for her!

Before we knew it, the last wheelchair of the trip was fitted! Please pray with us that all those wheelchairs and mobility aids we have distributed would bless their users and the families and communities around them. 


Day 10: Goodbye Eldoret, hello Nairobi!

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call and me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”. Jeremiah 29:11–13. 

It was great to be encouraged that the Lord knows his plans for us, he knows what will happen in our lives. The Safari truck was 45 minutes late and the entrance fee to the National Park caused a lot of stress... But God was still in control, and he knew what his plans were. 

Seeing the sights

The group split in the afternoon. Four went around the town, visiting the Bead Factory, the Giraffe sanctuary and the Karen Blixen Museum. The other seven of us ventured to the National park for a Safari tour… to see the lions (we hoped). After all the chaos of the truck turning up late and the long process of getting into the park… we were all finally relieved when we went through the gates, onto the bumpy terrain to go and find some animals.

We all got very excited when we spotted the first giraffe, and the first zebra. They were so beautiful and elegant close up. Riding around was very exciting and we left just after darkness, seeing a whopping 25 or more different species of animals and birds of prey. The wonders and the awe at God’s marvellous creation never cease. 

Saying goodbye

We returned back to the CHAK guesthouse, where we enjoyed our last dinner as a team and said farewell to Enos who would be travelling overland back to Zanzibar. Then we were off to bed for an early night as our alarms were set for 4:30am to ensure we arrived at Nairobi airport in time for our flight home. 

A big group of Kenyan children waving at the camera, stood in an outdoor yard, with washing hanging behind, next to a Kenyan lady in a Sunday-best yellow dress
The past 10 days have been such an amazing, eye-opening and humbling experience. It was a joy to come out to both Kimilili and Eldoret and serve alongside their local teams. Please pray for IcFEM and Reverand Grace and all at CBR that the Lord will sustain and strengthen them day by day, as they continue to serve their local communities. Pray too for each encounter we had with all those at the distributions, pray that little seeds would have been sown, and they would open up their Bibles and come into a personal relationship with Jesus.

Find out more about Wheels for the World at this link if you'd like to get involved by applying for a trip, fundraising, donating funds or praying for the work. Thank you for your support.

Together on Retreat: 'Following Jesus'


It was our privilege and pleasure to once again welcome Emily Owen as our speaker for 'Together on Retreat' for our Easter retreat in March 2024.

We followed Jesus to the garden, the cross, and the tomb.
Together we shared in the wonder of the Easter story.

Online Easter retreat: 'Following Jesus' the journey of Christ to the cross and resurrection
Date: Monday 18th March, Wednesday 20th March and Friday 22nd March 2024
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm on Mon, Wed and Fri
Venue: Online via Zoom 

 For information on future retreats, please check our retreats page or contact

Photo of a Christian cross built from bricks, standing in a garden with trees and bushes around it, and the sun rising behind it


It was a blessed time of preparation through Lent, that helped us prepare for Easter.

The retreat was particularly suitable for disabled people. There were opportunities on the Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for 1:1 prayer.

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in future retreats, please contact 





About Emily Owen, our speaker

Emily is an award-winning author and speaker, with several books to her name. She lost her hearing overnight aged 21 and has had numerous surgeries. Emily knows what it is to be broken, and she knows what it is to meet God there. We are really looking forward to Emily sharing with us - and we know Emily will enjoy it too, as her website says:

"Speaking to groups? I love it, because I love people. Big groups, little groups, one-to one. Christian, secular, faith, disability, communication, my personal story, deaf awareness… anything you like really. Though probably not astrophysics."

Her faith is also really important to Emily - she says: "I’m a Christian. No idea how I’d get through life without God. Glad I don’t need to know." She shares: "I have a condition called Neurofibromatosis Type 2. Feel free not to try and pronounce it. I write about it in my memoir." Her memoir 'Still Emily' is a moving and inspiring read.

To find out more about Emily, visit her website at 

About Through the Roof's retreats and holidays

Through the Roof (TTR) offers accessible, supported retreats and group holidays, as times of fellowship for disabled people and for all, in an atmosphere of joy and togetherness. Many lasting friendships (as well as two marriages) have been formed through these special times.

We offer a combination of organised trips, activities and free time with the opportunity to be refreshed spiritually through prayer, praise and worship.

We are committed to enabling you to:
- make new friends
- leave feeling refreshed
- want to come back.

If you would like to join us for what will undoubtedly be a very special and spiritually deepening and uplifting time, please do email us at 

Find out more about Through the Roof retreats and holidays, visit

Together in the Lounge: our online coffee and chat time


Together in the Lounge is a regular catch up for an hour on Zoom for a cuppa and a chat.

Please watch this space for details of our next visit to The Lounge. If you would like to join us for a cuppa and a chat to catch up with existing friends or make new ones, we would love to have you join us. There will be a brief closing devotional at the end of each time together. 

Date: Tuesday 10th September 2024

Time: 2:30-3:30 pm

Where: from the comfort of your home (via Zoom link)

Cost: Free

How to join: Email for the Zoom link to be sent to you for each Lounge meeting.

Access: If you have specific accessibility needs, please get in touch as soon as possible and we will do our best to help. We will have captions switched on. We have a BSL interpreter available – please notify us if you need this service.

Please do email us at to find out more – we look forward to having you with us. You will receive the Zoom link by email in advance.

Please come and join us. Details of future meetings will be posted here in advance.

Until we meet, be blessed.