Become a Roofbreaker

Become a Roofbreaker

Thank you for considering becoming a Roofbreaker. Your membership of this movement is going to help transform lives and enrich churches all around the UK. Fill in the form below, and we'll get back to you very soon. If you'd like to find out any more before registering, please follow this link to email Janet at Through the Roof. All the fields marked with a star are required for the form to submit. 

    Do You Consider Yourself to be Disabled?*

    Do You Have a Family Member You Consider to be Disabled?*

    We'd also like to send you our free newsletter three times a year - would you like to receive this?*

    How did you hear about Through the Roof?

    How We Use This Data

    We use the data you enter here to send out the Roofbreaker news, Vital Link, and other newsletters. For future events, we may also get in touch to let you know what is coming up. All data is password protected.

    We do not pass on your personal information to any other people or organisations, except under strict terms of confidentiality and restriction of use to organisations who supply services on behalf of Through the Roof (such as using Mailchimp to administrate sending out large numbers of newsletters). We only use your data in ways that allow us to run the charity and continue our work. We do not sell your personal information. Please contact us if you would like to find out more, correct anything, or if you'd like to come off our database. Follow this link for our full terms and conditions