Disability in the Bible
Disability in the Bible
Does the Bible discriminate against disabled people, or are people who live with disability close to God’s heart? How did Jesus treat disabled people in the Bible, and in light of this, how should we respond as a Christian community to disabled people in church?... read more »

Day 8 in Kimilili
Our Kimilili Blogger, Charlotte, has all the latest news from our Wheels for the World distribution. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. This morning we visited the Dreamlands hospital. What a highlight! Becky Nightingale,... read more »

Wheels in Kimilili - Days 6 & 7
Two days in one from our Kimilili Blogger, Charlotte, as she keeps us all up to date with the latest news from our Wheels for the World distribution. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this... read more »

Wheels in Kimilili - Day 5 - Sunday, the day of rest...!
New Wheels team member, and excellent blogger, Charlotte continues to describe her experiences of Wheels for the World in Kimilili, Kenya. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Today we split into... read more »
Our Weakness and God's Strength: Disability Ministry in the Local Church
We have come across a useful blog by John Knight – staff member with John Piper’s ministry, Desiring God. John writes from the perspective of a parent... read more »

Enabling Church - 7th October 2010
Disability, Wholeness and Christian Theology Through the Roof will be taking part in a brand new conference in London on the 7th October. 'Enabling Church' will feature a range of speakers - including Rev John Naude and Mike Townsend (both part of TTR's... read more »
Through the Roof trainers are sometimes asked to run sessions within longer training courses, such as CARE's IFC Leadership Programme. Graduates on this programme gave the following feedback: Fantastic session about God's heart for disabled people. We were so blessed by your wisdom, insight and experience.read more »
More confident!
"I now feel more confident at recognising autism traits, dealing with behaviours and not blaming myself." "This workshop has helped me to understand the broad scope of what autism is and how to help the person to fulfil their potential." Just two of the many positive... read more »

We received the following positive feedback from our training session on including disabled children at Adeyfield Free Church: "Saturday's Disability Course was brilliant... It was very professionally presented without being intimidating, you might say 'user-friendly'!" "It was ALL totally of interest and relevance" "The only improvement... read more »
Events for All
How to make your major conference, church event, or Bible week inclusive of disabled people So often we hear complaints about poor provision for disabled people at major Christian events. We hear from from people who are partially sighted, blind, hard-of-hearing, profoundly deaf, wheelchair... read more »