Celebrate Inclusion
Through the Roof wants to celebrate the wonderful testimonies of the impact of true disability inclusion in Christian life, and to encourage others to catch the vision…

Luke 5 disability inclusion award for breaking down barriers in Ely
The Rich Tea Community, a local group for adults with additional needs at the Countess Free Church, Ely – and its co-founder, Cate Allen – have received an award. Christian charity Through the Roof (www.throughtheroof.org) gave Rich Tea Community the Luke 5 disability inclusion award for 'breaking down...

Positive About Disability Inclusion
True disability inclusion is life changing. It is life changing for the individual who is now able to fully take part in Christian life. It is also life changing for the church as it receives the blessing of the ministry of disabled people and their individual gifts and talents. Let's be Positive About Disability Inclusion

Luke 5 Award
Let’s Celebrate Disability Inclusion in Christian Life… Our Luke 5 Award for Christian Disability Inclusion celebrates the difference made when barriers are broken down and disabled people are welcomed and fully included in Christian life. “I never looked at myself as an anybody, I looked at...

Video Stories
It’s always a pleasure to chat to disabled Christians and hear their personal stories of belonging to a church or Christian ministry. Watch these inspiring stories of Roofbreakers, including many disabled Christians, sharing their lived experience of disability in the church on YouTube.