
Week 6: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 6 (8th and 9th March 2021) It’s been another busy week for the TTR team assisting Hope Health Action... read more »

Week 5: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 5 (1st and 2nd March 2021) Well, we have now completed Week 5 of this rather unusual and novel distribution and have only two more weeks left. The Hope Health Action (HHA) team... read more »

Week 4: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 4 (22nd and 23rd February 2021) We are now half way through our distribution timetable supporting Hope Health Action as they distribute wheelchairs and other walking aids in the Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp... read more »

Week 3: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 3 (15th and 16th February 2021) We are well into the Supported Distribution process now. The UK team members make a video call to our HHA colleagues in Bidi Bidi at the start... read more »

Week 2: Wheels for the World in Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 2 (8th and 9th February 2021) Following on from the... read more »

Week 1: Uganda 2021 - Supported Distribution
Supported Distribution to the Bidi Bid Refugee Camp, N.W. Uganda Wheels Blog Week 1 (1st and 2nd February 2021) Through the Roof’s first supported distribution of 135 wheelchairs and other walking aids began this week. This was, like all normal distributions, planned carefully with a team of therapists and... read more »

Caroline’s testimony of provision in lockdown: God is good! (Ros' Blog)
Caroline Emberson is one of our Roofbreakers. In this blog, she tells us how God has provided for her family’s needs during the months of the pandemic. I have multiple sclerosis and use the wheelchair as a crutch when I... read more »

Help in Lockdown (Ros' Blog)
I’m sure it’s true to say that nobody wanted to start the New Year with another total lockdown, even though most people can see the need for it and the sense of it. Those who are in the clinically extremely vulnerable category have been... read more »

Online Retreat: 'Finding God in Lockdown'
After a wonderful first retreat in 2020, we're excited to announce our second online retreat, running through the week starting the 1st February -- all based around 'Finding God in Lockdown'. Using Zoom, participants will meet from 2 to 4pm on the... read more »

We Wish You A Blessed (If Different!) Christmas (Ros' Blog)
Through the Roof has just held its first online retreat. Its theme was Finding God in Lockdown. We looked at the life of Samuel Rutherford in the seventeenth century who was banished from his parish and placed under house arrest at a time of... read more »