International Work

Ghana blog - day 4
Phil Green is on the ground in Ghana for the Wheels for the World distribution - he's bringing us a daily blog from the trip. Catch up on all the entries by following this link... read more »

Ghana blog - day 3
Phil Green is on the ground in Ghana for the Wheels for the World distribution - he's bringing us a daily blog from the trip. Catch up on all the entries by following this link... read more »

Ghana 2013 - 1st Blog
Our Wheels for the World team have arrived in Ghana for an eleven-day series of Wheelchair distributions. Team member, Phil Green, is writing a regular blog to let us know how it all goes. Here's his account of the first two days - the... read more »

Behind the Scenes with Wheels
Our Wheels team has just begun a new distribution in Ho, Ghana, so we thought we'd bring you a little taster of some of the work that goes into getting the chairs to their destination. Here's a short video from August's container loading at... read more »

Elburgon Stories - Moses
Moses Kamau (Report by volunteer therapist, Carolyn) Three-year old Moses lives with his extended family and has spina bifida leading to no movement or sensation below his waist. Moses had learned to sit in a small wooden chair with a 3-sided support and a foot... read more »

Elburgon Stories - Kelvin
Kelvin Kipngetich (reported by volunteer therapist, Sue) Kelvin’s mother, Emma, had hired a taxi to travel the one and a half hours to get to our distribution venue. Emma said that she usually left 12 year old Kelvin with his 70 year old grandmother, while Emma went... read more »

Helping hands for Wheels for the World?
We're looking for volunteer helpers with the strength and stamina to spend a few hours loading a container of wheelchairs/mobility aids three times each year. The loading takes place at our 'Wheels' warehouse on the Fairfax Industrial Estate, Aldershot. If you're interested in... read more »

Elburgon - 15th July
Here's another story from our distribution in Elburgon, Kenya, sent to us by Suzanne Millwood. I thought that having been to Kenya before and having worked with adults with physical disabilities, I would feel fairly equipped and prepared for my trip to Elburgon. This couldn’t... read more »
Elburgon Stories
From the 10th to 20th July 2013, a team from Wheels for the World will be distributing wheelchairs in Elburgon, Kenya. We've received a few stories and photos from them about the start of the trip, and will be adding more as they come... read more »

Through Fresh Eyes
From my first steps on African soil my senses were bombarded with new sights and smells but you quickly notice there is a slower pace of people, writes new Wheels team member Graham Watts. It’s my first time in Africa and my first experience as... read more »