
Mission with Through the Roof
When we go on mission we believe that: God is in Charge You are not taking God to this place; rather, God is taking you! (Genesis 12:1-3; Psalm 139:1-10) God has been at work in this place long before you arrived. God has a plan for this community,... read more »

Samuel Rutherford (Ros' Blog)
What a pity that so much pastoral correspondence now takes place through texts, emails, phonecalls, and won’t be preserved for the encouragement of future generations! When life gets tough, I often find myself turning to the letters of Samuel Rutherford. No matter what difficulties I... read more »

Riding the Storm (Ros' Blog)
Psalm 107. 23 – 32 Those who go down to the sea in ships, Who do business on great waters, They see the works of the Lord, And His wonders in the deep. For He commands and raises the stormy wind, Which lifts up the waves of the sea. They mount... read more »

God in the Simple Things (Ros' Blog)
This week I have commissioned a guest blog from Mrs Sarah Marshall. Sarah was a student at the school where I was a teacher and I taught her from the age of 14 until she was 18. She became a Christian shortly before she... read more »

A busy time... (Philippa's Blog)
I seem to have been kept very busy with speaking engagements recently. March April and May have all been particularly busy, as I had been asked to speak at the anniversary of the New Forest Torch group, a group I have spoken to every... read more »

Who are the Disabled Ones? (Ros' Blog)
The day my second child was born, my world changed forever. She was thirteen weeks premature and the doctors had been warning me to expect her to be stillborn. Even if she was alive, they said, she wouldn’t cry, as her lungs would be... read more »

I know Where I’m Going… (Ros' Blog)
John’s narrative of the Easter story differs from that of the other three Gospel writers in that it is a much more intimate portrayal, seen less from the standpoint of an observer, and more through the eyes of Jesus himself. John, as Jesus’ closest... read more »

6 Months Married (Philippa's Blog)
On March 7th, Will and I had been married for 6 months. Well, since our fairy-tale wedding, I can honestly say it’s been a bed of roses! Flowers every day, breakfast in bed, and never a cross word between us! Not convinced? Ok... read more »

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (Ros' Blog)
I watch the young woman as she walks from the car park into church, labouring with unsteady gait on legs which find the instructions from her conscious mind scrambled before they reach them by the multiple sclerosis. Nonetheless, her stride is determined and... read more »

No Half Measures! (Ros' Blog)
I’m continuing my study of John’s Gospel, finding tremendous encouragement in its pages, and also reading several authors who have mined its treasures before me and have light to shed on its words. Here is a thought on Chapter 2 from Jean Vanier’s... read more »