Taking simple steps towards accessibility in Shrewbury
Earlier this month, Shrewsbury Roofbreakers joined the Revd Zoe Heming from 'Enabling All' to discuss simple first steps that churches of all denominations can take towards becoming more accessible to disabled people. Here Phil Ramsbotham, Jeremy Yarnell-Davies and Annette Goodall, from the Shrewsbury... read more »

Hands That Flung Phones Into Space… (Ros' Blog)
A colleague once told me a story which had quite an impact on me, and I have never forgotten it. While he was a student, one of his fellow students was “dumped” by his girlfriend by text message. The young man was devastated both... read more »

Thank you Flowstore!
Tim Wood, Wheels For The World CEO, visited our supporters at Flowstore to speak to the Charity Committee and pass on his thanks for their corporate donation last year and their continued partnership in our work. Each year Flowstore set aside some money to give... read more »

See What God Has Built (Ros' Blog)
Just recently I’ve been having some interesting conversations with a friend who is a Jehovah’s Witness. I’ve got to know him through a local voluntary organisation. He told me he had some questions that had been puzzling him. In particular, he said, for a... read more »

Cats: Cute Creatures or Spiritual Parables? (Ros' Blog)
Whenever I go away, I employ someone to go in every day, feed and take care of my daughter’s cat, Fledge, who will be moving in with her and my son-in-law just as soon as they move out of rented accommodation and into their... read more »

A Roofbreaker Guide to Disability Benefits Applications and Appeals
A Roofbreaker Guide to Disability benefits applications and appealsWe feel it would be a great asset to churches if they had someone who could steer disabled people through the minefield that is the benefits claim. So we have put together some helpful information about... read more »

Silver for Roofbreakers!
We're excited and grateful to have received the silver award in the 'Best Project for Advancing the Christian Faith’ category at the Christian Funders’ Forum Awards at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster. Through the Roof was among several others that were shortlisted for the annual awards... read more »

20 years of TTR!
Happy Birthday! Through the Roof has been celebrating throughout 2017, and the peak was our gathering at St. George’s, Ashtead. Nearly 200 supporters of all ages and abilities joined together to give thanks to God for 20 years of the charity with a fully... read more »
A Covenant People (Ros' Blog)
“Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I... read more »

After the Thank You – What Next? (Ros' Blog)
Well. We’ve had our thanksgiving service, a memorable and uplifting occasion. You can see some photos of it on our Facebook page, and it was great to see so many of our supporters there. So, what happens next? To answer this question, I’ve been... read more »