Wheels in Ghana 2011 - update

Wheels in Ghana 2011 - update
After much hard work by our Wheels team in the UK and in Ghana, the container of wheelchairs was finally released from port and is due to arrive in Ho late tonight. The team are now busy assessing the disabled people awaiting wheelchairs, and three... read more »

Ghana 2011 Wheels trip - latest news
Our team of 7 volunteers arrived safely in Ghana last night, and today will be visiting the President of Ghana and speaking about our work (with tv crews present!). The container of wheelchairs hasn't yet made it to the distribution centre at Ho - we'd... read more »

2011 Wheelchair Distributions
TTR's Wheels for the World programme has plans for three wheelchair distributions this year: Uganda: 30th March - 9th April Kenya (Nakuru): 7th - 18th September Ghana: 23rd November - 3rd December Teams of volunteers will work with partner organisations in-country to provide and fully fit... read more »
Ghana 2009 - the final day
Friday was a chill-out day before flying home overnight. Mid-morning, we headed off to the local market in Tema. It was a great experience, particularly seeing all the fresh food stalls. A highlight of the... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 8
Today we got a lie in, getting up at 8:00am rather than our usual 6:00am, which was gratefully... read more »
Ghana 2009 - the final distribution day
We headed to Ofoase which was up towards the mountains. It was such a change in scenery - much greener than further south. After setting off at 7:00am on what we were told was to... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 6
Today we had another fairly long journey to our distribution site, leaving again at 7:00am. We were based in a church in Asesewa. I think many of the team will agree with me that this was the most challenging day of the trip so... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 5
We left at 7:00am for a distribution in Winneba, just over two hours away. We were based in an open space outside the council offices. For me it... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 4
Today the team went in pairs to several different churches. This enabled the word to be spread more widely about the work of ‘Wheels for the World’. Between the whole group, we... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 3
Today we headed to Teshie for another distribution. We were due to be based outdoors but fortunately we were offered some shelter so we didn’t all end up with heat stroke! It was another... read more »