Online Event: Learning from Lockdown--Is Online Church the Answer for Disabled People?

Online Event: Learning from Lockdown--Is Online Church the Answer for Disabled People?
Free Online Event Saturday 4th July 10.30 to 12 Spaces are limited: Please register for the event We are excited to invite you to our third free UK-wide online event: read more »

International Missions Day - 1st March 2014
All Welcome! Anyone interested in International Mission at Through the Roof is invited to attend this day - from supporters to current team members, past team members to people just wondering what we're all about! This will be an opportunity to : Meet together with old... read more »

"Two Weeks for TTR" is on the way...
Two months today, 14th August, marks the start of our awareness and fundraising initiative, Two Weeks for TTR. We’ve planned it for the fortnight leading up to the Paralympics – a great opportunity to raise the profile of disability in general as well as... read more »

“Philippa - one of the highlights”
Feedback from supporters who attended our ‘Pressing on towards the goal’ event in Epsom showed that new TTR staff-member, Philippa, was one of the highlights of the day. Youth Ambassador, Philippa, who has been blind from birth shared the journey of her... read more »

Big Band Fundraiser for Wheels - All Welcome!
Through the Roof is pleased to learn that Stardust Big Band will be holding a Charity Tea Concert in aid of Wheels for the World at Ruislip Manor Methodist Church, Torrington Rd, Ruislip Manor, HA4 0AS on Saturday, 29th January 2011 from 5pm-8pm. Tickets at... read more »

Church can set the standard
Over 400 delegates at the ‘Enabling Church’ conference heard Roy McCloughry, Malcolm Duncan, Joni Eareckson-Tada and other keynote speakers encourage the church to set the standard through ministering to the marginalised. A common theme of the day was the celebration that we are all inter-dependent... read more »

Enabling Church - 7th October 2010
Disability, Wholeness and Christian Theology Through the Roof will be taking part in a brand new conference in London on the 7th October. 'Enabling Church' will feature a range of speakers - including Rev John Naude and Mike Townsend (both part of TTR's... read more »

Faithworks and other conferences!
Through the Roof were exhibitors at the 2010 Faithworks conference where we met lots of new people who had not previously heard of our work. We were particularly promoting our new website and the free resources for churches. Next we'll be at Mind... read more »
Events for All
How to make your major conference, church event, or Bible week inclusive of disabled people So often we hear complaints about poor provision for disabled people at major Christian events. We hear from from people who are partially sighted, blind, hard-of-hearing, profoundly deaf, wheelchair... read more »