Disability in the Bible

Disability in the Bible

Disability in the Bible

Does the Bible discriminate against disabled people, or are people who live with disability close to God’s heart? How did Jesus treat disabled people in the Bible, and in light of this, how should we respond as a Christian community to disabled people in church?... read more »

  Day 8 in Kimilili

Day 8 in Kimilili

Our Kimilili Blogger, Charlotte, has all the latest news from our Wheels for the World distribution. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. This morning we visited the Dreamlands hospital. What a highlight! Becky Nightingale,... read more »

  Wheels in Kimilili – Days 6 & 7

Wheels in Kimilili - Days 6 & 7

Two days in one from our Kimilili Blogger, Charlotte, as she keeps us all up to date with the latest news from our Wheels for the World distribution. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this... read more »

  Wheels in Kimilili – Day 5 – Sunday, the day of rest…!

Wheels in Kimilili - Day 5 - Sunday, the day of rest...!

New Wheels team member, and excellent blogger, Charlotte continues to describe her experiences of Wheels for the World in Kimilili, Kenya. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. Today we split into... read more »

Our Weakness and God's Strength: Disability Ministry in the Local Church

We have come across a useful blog by John Knight – staff member with John Piper’s ministry, Desiring God. John writes from the perspective of a parent... read more »