Ghana 2009 - Day 6
Ghana 2009 - Day 6
Today we had another fairly long journey to our distribution site, leaving again at 7:00am. We were based in a church in Asesewa. I think many of the team will agree with me that this was the most challenging day of the trip so... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 5
We left at 7:00am for a distribution in Winneba, just over two hours away. We were based in an open space outside the council offices. For me it... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 4
Today the team went in pairs to several different churches. This enabled the word to be spread more widely about the work of ‘Wheels for the World’. Between the whole group, we... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 3
Today we headed to Teshie for another distribution. We were due to be based outdoors but fortunately we were offered some shelter so we didn’t all end up with heat stroke! It was another... read more »
Ghana 2009 - Day 2
Today, we carried out our first wheelchair distribution locally in Tema. We arrived at our destination around 9:00am, where there were already several people waiting... read more »
Ghana 2009 by Lucy Wood
After arriving late last night, today was spent mainly sorting through all the wheelchairs and mobility aids. They were already colour-coded into sizes. However, we needed to divide them up into the different distribution days. Three... read more »

Ghana 2009
On October 28th a Wheels for the World team of 11 set off for Ghana, to work with the Light Outreach, distributing wheelchairs and other mobility aids along with Bibles. The team also plan to help in feeding and ministering to homeless people during... read more »
Introducing Becky...
"Being on a Wheels team is an amazing chance to make a real difference, meet amazing friends, eat strange foods, swim in algae covered swimming pools, fly in... read more »

Wheels to Uganda
Through the Roof will be sending a Wheels for the World wheelchair distribution team to Uganda in June 2010. This will be our first time in Uganda, partnering with Non Government Organisation RILD (Response Initiative for Learning Disabilities).read more »

Ethiopia 2009
The team used the the EECMY School for the Deaf in Nekemte as their base for the wheelchair distribution. In total about 90 people were assessed, provided with wheelchairs or other equipment, given a Bible and prayed with. A highlight was talking... read more »