Pastoral & Prayer
Through the Roof also aims to support individuals - if you need a bit of extra personal prayer or pastoral support, want to take part in a larger prayer network or would benefit from contact with others, find out more here…

Individual Pastoral Support
Are you a disabled person struggling during this time of uncertainty and in need of someone to listen? Perhaps you have lost a friend or are anxious and would like someone to talk to? We are delighted that two Christian Pastors, with counselling skills, and experience of living with disability, have kindly offered a listening ear through...

Prayer Support
If you would like prayer, or to pray for others, we have a weekly prayer email and opportunity to connect with online prayers led by one of our Roofbreakers… Prayer Email Once a week, we send out an email containing prayer requests for the work of Through the Roof, as well as requests submitted by friends and supporters of the charity....

Together at Home: our online home group
Together at Home Meeting every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month on Zoom, Together at Home is a small online group meeting from 2-3pm. It offers the opportunity of meeting and making new friends, and encouraging and supporting existing ones, with a particular emphasis on praying for, caring for and sharing with one another all from...

Together in the Lounge: our online coffee and chat time
Together in the Lounge is a regular catch up for an hour on Zoom for a cuppa and a chat. Please watch this space for details of future meetings in The Lounge. If you would like to join us for a cuppa and a chat to catch up with existing friends or make new ones, we would love to have...