
International Missions Day - 1st March 2014
All Welcome! Anyone interested in International Mission at Through the Roof is invited to attend this day - from supporters to current team members, past team members to people just wondering what we're all about! This will be an opportunity to : Meet together with old... read more »
Where is the Wheels Warehouse?
Here's an address and map for our Wheels for the World warehouse in Aldershot... Unit 1, Fairfax Industrial Estate, Eastern Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU12 4TU Please call the office on 01372 749955 to arrange a time to drop off wheelchairs or meet with staff. read more »

Behind the Scenes with Wheels
Our Wheels team has just begun a new distribution in Ho, Ghana, so we thought we'd bring you a little taster of some of the work that goes into getting the chairs to their destination. Here's a short video from August's container loading at... read more »

Welcome to the Warehouse!
Supporters and friends of Wheels for the World gathered with representatives of local churches to officially open the new Wheels warehouse in Aldershot on Thursday 28th June. International Missions Manager, Nigel Drury, spoke about the work of Wheels, and how the new warehouse would... read more »

'London to Brighton' and back?!
Supporter, Angie Wickenden, is aiming to cycle the equivalent of London to Brighton in order to raise funds for Wheels for the World and Disability Initiative (another Surrey-based disability charity). Each day throughout June teams will be using MOTOmed... read more »

Thank you Glenda
Glenda Pike, Wheels for the World co-ordinator, has retired after thirteen years of serving and making an amazing difference. Her time with the charity took her on 27 distributions, to countries such as Albania, Jordan, and Sierra Leone, working with local Christians to meet... read more »

Haiti Aid Arrives
Almost exactly 3 years after the Haiti earthquake, our wheelchairs have arrived with our partners, Haiti Hospital Appeal. Reninca, the Director of Children and Disability work there told us, "I just wanted to let you know that the wheelchairs that you so generously have... read more »

Kimilili wheelchair distribution
As our volunteers prepare to return to the UK, over 100 disabled people in Kimilili, Kenya, are enjoying their new-found mobility after receiving wheelchairs from our Wheels for the World programme. This has been our 4th trip to Kimilili working with in-country partners... read more »

Flowstore Football Fundraiser
Wheels supporters, Flowstore, recently held a morning of factory vs office staff 5-a-side football, organised by employees Ibby Hussain and Wayne Verrill. The fundraising idea was simple but effective - each player paid to take part,... read more »

Wheels for the World in Ghana - latest news
Yesterday's distribution at Hohoe saw 84 disabled people receive wheelchairs or other mobility aids, and 16 of those making prayers of commitment. After a 14 hour day our exhausted team had a fish supper before getting some well-deserved sleep ready for setting off early... read more »