
Arrival in Kosovo
Through the Roof's Wheels for the World team are in Kosovo from the 17th June to the 26th - they'll be sending in reports and blogs as time and internet connection allow. Check back here, or read more »

Eldoret 2015 - As it happened!
Here are the day by day reports of the first half of our recent distribution in Eldoret, Kenya, written by team-member, Josh. Photos of the trip are on our Facebook page, and you can read stories of changed lives in the next issue of... read more »

Please Don't Drop Wheelchairs at Storage King
Thank you for all of your wheelchair donations to the work of Wheels for the World. Unfortunately, we're currently unable to accept any more chairs at the Storage King, Epsom facility. Please don't drop any more wheelchairs or mobility aids there! If you have... read more »

Wheels to Eldoret - 1st to 10th May
Our Wheels for the World team will be running a distribution in Eldoret, Kenya from the 1st to the 10th May 2015. We're working in partnership with David and Lisa Cooke (follow this... read more »

Do Three Good Deeds in One
How about doing 3 good deeds in one? Follow this link to visit our mini-site for the 3 in 1 Good Deeds Appeal The good deed is to give £40... read more »

International Trips 2016
Through the Roof have trips planned right through into 2016 at the moment, with both our Wheels for the World and Churches Inc programmes. If you're interested in volunteering, or supporting these life-changing trips, please contact our International Missions Manager, Reninca, by email by... read more »

Hope on a rope!
Wheels for the World supporter, Paul Goodridge, recently climbed 249 steps up the spiral staircase of Guildford Cathedral tower to a height of 160 feet, only to be harnessed to a rope and launched off the top! Friends, family and colleagues all sponsored Paul, who... read more »

Success at the Village Day!
Thank you to all of our volunteers and friends who took part in the Ashtead Village Day in June 2014, raising a fantastic £516 for Wheels for the World! If you'd like to help fundraise for Wheels, please get in touch with us by read more »

Video from Ghana 2013
Phil Green has shot another excellent video of Wheels for the World's work -- this time from the Ghana trip in 2013. Please take a look, and feel free to share it around. Wheels - Ghana 2013 from Philip Green on read more »

Wheels to Kimilili - Day 1
Wheels for the World is running a distribution in Kimilili, Kenya for ten days. Our team on the ground will be blogging as often as technology and time allows! Today, Charlotte Smith tells us all about the journey, initial plans, and some prayer pointers... read more »