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Churches Inc in Mozambique 2015
Our Churches Inc team visited Mozambique from the 14th to 24th August. The four-person team (Nigel, Kerry, Heather, and Jillian) trained local people in inclusion of disabled people from a Christian perspective, and worked with One Mission Society in the city of Maputo -... read more »

'The Shepherd King' - The August 2015 Come Fishing
Here's the latest episode of 'Come Fishing', from Jenny Edwards MBE. Each episode contains news, stories, music, and inspiration. We hope you enjoy it! Follow this link to download August's Come Fishing Podcast. read more »

'Please Could we Stay Forever' - The Summer 2015 Vital Link
The Summer 2015 Vital Link is now available for download. This time, you can find out all about the tenth Dalesdown family holiday, a recent distribution in Eldoret, DCF holidays to Malta, special fundraising work, and much more! read more »

Kosovo Final Day - Tying up Loose Ends
Through the Roof's Wheels for the World team are in Kosovo from the 17th June to the 26th - Linda from the team is sending in reports and blogs as time and internet connection allow. Check back here, read more »
Disability in the Bible
Does the Bible discriminate against disabled people, or are people who live with disability close to God’s heart? How did Jesus treat disabled people in the Bible, and in light of this, how should we respond as a Christian community to disabled people in church?... read more »

Eldoret 2015 - As it happened!
Here are the day by day reports of the first half of our recent distribution in Eldoret, Kenya, written by team-member, Josh. Photos of the trip are on our Facebook page, and you can read stories of changed lives in the next issue of... read more »

Please Don't Drop Wheelchairs at Storage King
Thank you for all of your wheelchair donations to the work of Wheels for the World. Unfortunately, we're currently unable to accept any more chairs at the Storage King, Epsom facility. Please don't drop any more wheelchairs or mobility aids there! If you have... read more »

Bringing Hope and Opportunities - The Spring 2015 Vital Link
Our Spring 2015 Vital Link is now available for download. This packed issue features a report from work in Moldova, details of our new Roofbreakers initiative, news from the 50th Wheels for the World distribution, and much more. read more »

Welcome Brian!
Here's Brian Gault in action, inspiring 200 school pupils and waving his autobiography around! Brian's spoken at three local schools today, and answered dozens of questions from pupils about his life, faith, and work. You can see Brian this Saturday 14th at 7.30pm... read more »

'Diversion - Road Closed': Our March 2015 Come Fishing.
Here's the latest episode of 'Come Fishing', from Jenny Edwards MBE. Each episode contains news, stories, music, and inspiration. We hope you enjoy it! Follow this link to download March's Come Fishing Podcast. read more »