Nyeri Blog - Day 3 - Sunday 18th November

International Work

  Nyeri Blog – Day 3 – Sunday 18th November

Nyeri Blog - Day 3 - Sunday 18th November

Nigel Drury (our new International Missions Manager) reports from his first Wheels trip - our wheelchair distribution in Nyeri, Kenya... Sunday's church service for the team was a God-directed choice I believe.  The team, including Pastor Davis Gatua (from Elburgon, another town in Kenya), walked... read more »

  Nyeri Blog — Day 1 – 15/11/12

Nyeri Blog -- Day 1 - 15/11/12

Glenda from our Wheels for the World team is writing a blog from Nyeri. The team will be there running a distribution up until returning to the UK on the 24th November. Here's the first entry... We arrived in Nyeri about 12.00 - all feeling... read more »

  The World Comes to Wheels

The World Comes to Wheels

Throughout September, Great Britain has been thrilled by the achievements and skill of Paralympic athletes from around the world. We’ve all watched remarkable athletes do amazing things, but sadly, many athletes and teams arriving from poorer countries don’t have their own wheelchairs or well-fitted... read more »

  Wheels in Uganda — Phil’s Blog, Days 8 and 9

Wheels in Uganda -- Phil's Blog, Days 8 and 9

Thursday 5th July - Day 8 Started the morning with what seems like a routine now and I have it down to a fine art, so I can afford to stay in bed an extra 30 seconds! Now, this was effectively the last day here as... read more »

  Wheels in Uganda – Phil’s Blog, Day 7

Wheels in Uganda - Phil's Blog, Day 7

Wednesday 4th July Normal procedure now.. up and showered.  Still cold and I haven’t been stupid enough to see if its still shocking.  Breakfast out the way then we waited for our driver.  He was unfortunately late as he had been stopped by the police. ... read more »

  Wheels in Uganda – Phil’s blog, day 6

Wheels in Uganda - Phil's blog, day 6

Tuesday 3nd July I think I should be sleep deprived but remarkably woke up at 6:30 after about 4 hours sleep.  We had breakfast at 7 and the minibus was ready for us at 7:30.  So far soo good... Now, we had a minibus... read more »

  Phil’s Blog – Wheels in Uganda, day 5

Phil's Blog - Wheels in Uganda, day 5

Monday 2nd July Surprisingly awake this morning after about 5 hours sleep and up and ready for breakfast. Back at the main distribution point this morning and again did an initial count of the chairs. As yesterday we are struggling for small chairs so I spent... read more »

  Wheels in Uganda – Phil’s Blog, Day 4

Wheels in Uganda - Phil's Blog, Day 4

Sunday 1st July Sunday started with a lie in for me, I got out of bed a whole 10 minutes later than normal since breakfast was still at 8am. Church service started at 9:30 and we were due to sing... hmmmm. Delays with transport meant... read more »

  Wheels in Uganda – Day 3

Wheels in Uganda - Day 3

Saturday 30th June  - Day 3 “Shocking” shower still not fixed but I am getting used to the cold waking me up in the mornings.  I didn’t sleep much though due to a bad sore throat, I’ll try not to mention it too much as... read more »

  Wheels in Uganda – Day 2

Wheels in Uganda - Day 2

Friday 29th June, 2012 Day two... finally got some well needed sleep but started the day with a cold shower since its still waiting to be fixed, but thats ok it woke me up. With breakfast out the way we set out to the... read more »