Mission with Through the Roof

International Work

  Mission with Through the Roof

Mission with Through the Roof

When we go on mission we believe that: God is in Charge You are not taking God to this place; rather, God is taking you! (Genesis 12:1-3; Psalm 139:1-10) God has been at work in this place long before you arrived. God has a plan for this community,... read more »

  Wheels in Kosovo – Days 7 & 8

Wheels in Kosovo - Days 7 & 8

Our Wheels for the World team are working in Kosovo during June - you can catch up on all their updates by following this link. Tuesday 17th June This morning everyone woke up to thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Our morning... read more »

  Success at the Village Day!

Success at the Village Day!

Thank you to all of our volunteers and friends who took part in the Ashtead Village Day in June 2014, raising a fantastic £516 for Wheels for the World! If you'd like to help fundraise for Wheels, please get in touch with us by read more »

  Wheels in Kosovo – Days 5 & 6

Wheels in Kosovo - Days 5 & 6

Our Wheels for the World team are working in Kosovo during June - you can catch up on all their updates by following this link. Sunday Today was a rest day and everyone had a much needed rest and lie-in. We... read more »

  Wheels in Kosovo – Days 3 & 4

Wheels in Kosovo - Days 3 & 4

Our Wheels for the World team are working in Kosovo during June - you can catch up on all their updates by following this link. The team seem to have settled into a morning routine in the house and shower... read more »

  Live from Kosovo

Live from Kosovo

We have a Wheels for the World team distributing wheelchairs and other mobility aids to people in Kosovo from the 10th to 20th June. They've arrived safely after an early start and a long journey, and begun working with people in Gjakova. There are... read more »

  Video from Ghana 2013

Video from Ghana 2013

Phil Green has shot another excellent video of Wheels for the World's work -- this time from the Ghana trip in 2013. Please take a look, and feel free to share it around. Wheels - Ghana 2013 from Philip Green on read more »

  Integr8 in Kenya 2014

Integr8 in Kenya 2014

A four-person team from Integr8 took part in a trip to Kenya in May 2014, delivering training to over 400 local officials and churches. Due to our recent website problems, we weren't able to post up their daily blog posts, so here's the whole... read more »

  Wheels in Kimilili, the final day

Wheels in Kimilili, the final day

We're very grateful to volunteer, Charlotte, for her inspirational blogs from our wheelchair distribution in Kenya.  Here's the final one... We stayed in a lovely little guesthouse overnight and returned to the Eldoret centre on Friday morning for our final distribution. There were nine more clients... read more »

  Day 8 in Kimilili

Day 8 in Kimilili

Our Kimilili Blogger, Charlotte, has all the latest news from our Wheels for the World distribution. You can find all our Wheels Blog posts by following this link. This morning we visited the Dreamlands hospital. What a highlight! Becky Nightingale,... read more »