Integr8 in Kenya 2014

Integr8 in Kenya 2014

  Integr8 in Kenya 2014

Integr8 in Kenya 2014

A four-person team from Integr8 took part in a trip to Kenya in May 2014, delivering training to over 400 local officials and churches. Due to our recent website problems, we weren't able to post up their daily blog posts, so here's the whole... read more »

  International Missions Day – 1st March 2014

International Missions Day - 1st March 2014

All Welcome!  Anyone interested in International Mission at Through the Roof is invited to attend this day - from supporters to current team members, past team members to people just wondering what we're all about! This will be an opportunity to : Meet together with old... read more »

  Moldova – our next Integr8 team, September 2013

Moldova – our next Integr8 team, September 2013

A team of volunteers is to be put together for a trip to take place from 23rd to 30th September 2013.  Following the Integr8 team visit to Moldova in February 2012, charity Breadline has again invited us to... read more »

  Project Manager Alan to appear on TV…

Project Manager Alan to appear on TV...

What role does faith play in sport? This is the question being posed by Channel 4's in a series of short films this week.  Our very own Paralympian and Integr8 Project Manager, Alan Whetherly, will be featured this Saturday... read more »

  Hand in Hand with Integr8

Hand in Hand with Integr8

Integr8 had a stand at the Hand in Hand (children and families ministry) conference in Eastbourne recently, manned (or ‘womaned’ as Philippa puts it!) by Youth Ambassador Philippa, Project Manager Alan and TTR Trustee Alice. Philippa writes: I was a bit apprehensive at first... read more »

Working in Moldova

Six intrepid Integr8 team-members will soon be heading out to icy Moldova – the poorest country in Europe – to partner with Christian partners, Breadline, to inspire a spirit of inclusion. The team will be away from the 11th Feb to the 19th, and will... read more »

  Our Integr8 teams have been busy…

Our Integr8 teams have been busy...

Two trips this year saw 'young disabled role models'  take part in short term mission trips, alongside other team members, to help inspire a spirit of inclusion within schools and churches in Uganda and Guatemala. Sixteen year old James has put together a great presentation... read more »