"Absolutely fabulous... Can we come back next year please?"

"Absolutely fabulous... Can we come back next year please?"
This was a comment from one of the parents at our short break holiday for families with children on the autism spectrum. The team of volunteer helpers worked tirelessly to provide a full programme of activities for the children, their siblings and parents. This included... read more »

Tim & Abigail 'Live@Nine' on Revelation TV
TTR development manager, Tim Wood, and young role model, Abigail Smith appeared on Revelation TV's 'Live@Nine' programme on the 15th April 2010. They spoke about autism, and about how churches can help those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The programme will be repeated... read more »
Social Story -- Singing in Church
Social stories are short stories used to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to interpret challenging or confusing social situations. They describe situations, attempt to explain the perspectives of others and often suggest an appropriate response. Here's an example of a social... read more »

Ten Ways Churches Can Help Autistic People
Each autistic person is different, but here are ten general pointers that will assist many autistic people… Knowing what to expect Knowing what to expect is really helpful for autistic people. Information on the church website, including photos or a video, can be particularly helpful... read more »
More confident!
"I now feel more confident at recognising autism traits, dealing with behaviours and not blaming myself." "This workshop has helped me to understand the broad scope of what autism is and how to help the person to fulfil their potential." Just two of the many positive... read more »