Training And Speaking

Christian Resources Exhibition
Through the Roof will be at the Christian Resources Exhibition, 11th – 14th May at Sandown Park, Esher, as part of a new ‘Churches for All’ disability zone. We will be situated in a different area to usual, to the left of the... read more »

Faithworks and other conferences!
Through the Roof were exhibitors at the 2010 Faithworks conference where we met lots of new people who had not previously heard of our work. We were particularly promoting our new website and the free resources for churches. Next we'll be at Mind... read more »
ASNA Conference
Recently Through the Roof were invited to present at the annual conference of the Adventist Special Needs Association in the West Midlands – please follow this link for more information about this inspirational day. more »
Caring for our Family
Care for the Family invited Through the Roof to exhibit at their conference in Northern Ireland and so Tim Wood travelled there to support and encourage TTR’s small team of volunteers in the Province, to raise awareness of the charity. [Picture - John Brown presents... read more »
Upcoming exhibitions
Through the Roof will be exhibiting at these forthcoming events: Faithworks conference ‘Building Whole Communities’ to be held at Oasis Academy Enfield EN3 7XH, 26th – 28th February Mind and Soul ‘The Beautiful Mind’ conference - Holy Trinity Brompton, London SW7 1JA on... read more »
Through the Roof trainers are sometimes asked to run sessions within longer training courses, such as CARE's IFC Leadership Programme. Graduates on this programme gave the following feedback: Fantastic session about God's heart for disabled people. We were so blessed by your wisdom, insight and more »
More confident!
"I now feel more confident at recognising autism traits, dealing with behaviours and not blaming myself." "This workshop has helped me to understand the broad scope of what autism is and how to help the person to fulfil their potential." Just two of the many positive... read more »

We received the following positive feedback from our training session on including disabled children at Adeyfield Free Church: "Saturday's Disability Course was brilliant... It was very professionally presented without being intimidating, you might say 'user-friendly'!" "It was ALL totally of interest and relevance" "The only improvement... read more »
Food for thought...
Through the Roof's Development Manager, Tim Wood, along with long-term TTR trainer, Norma, ran a session on Autism for New Malden URC. Here's some of the feedback: "The whole event was enlightening, informative, clear and helpful." "Your course has been very thought provoking and... read more »