
'The Father Listens' - The January 2014 Come Fishing
Here's the January 2014 'Come Fishing' recording from Jenny Edwards and DCF - an hour packed full with music, prayer, inspiration, stories and news, to bring in the new year. read more »

'Pure as Silver' - December 2013 Come Fishing
Here's the latest 'Come Fishing' recording from Jenny Edwards and DCF - an hour packed full with music, prayer, inspiration, stories and news, this time with an extra Christmas flavour! read more »

'I Have Known Nothing But Love' - Our Autumn 2013 Newsletter
Our Autumn 2013 Vital Link is now available for download - this issue features a report on the Hinwick holiday and retreat, an introduction to Reninca, our new International Missions Manager, details of the successful wheelchair distribution in Kenya, fundraising stories, and much more! read more »

Behind the Scenes with Wheels
Our Wheels team has just begun a new distribution in Ho, Ghana, so we thought we'd bring you a little taster of some of the work that goes into getting the chairs to their destination. Here's a short video from August's container loading at... read more »

What Do You Think?
Through the Roof want to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. Please help us continue to make a positive difference by taking part in our short survey - we'd love to hear what you think! read more »

Premier Disability Week
Premier Radio held a 'Disability Week' in the first week of September 2013, coinciding with the Special Olympics event in Bath and the anniversary of the Paralympics. Follow this link to visit... read more »

Tim Reflects on the Paralympics
Our CEO, Tim Wood, recently appeared on the Torch Trust 'Reflections' radio show on Premier, speaking about the legacy (or not!) of the London Paralympic games. You can have a listen by downloading the file from their page: read more »

Our New Newsletter!
Our Wheels for the World team has recently returned from a distribution in Mukono, Uganda, where they gave away the 8000th wheelchair ever distributed by Wheels. It’s an amazing accomplishment, but it’s only part of a fantastic distribution – read all about it in... read more »

The 'Bedroom tax': Tim Wood on Premier
Tim Wood, our CEO, has spoken on Premier radio about the high court's decision on housing benefit cuts - the 'bedroom tax'. The full piece from Premier Rasion is available below... read more »

Enable your Church
If the London 2012 Paralympics changed the way we think about disability – what difference has it made to our churches? Come to the Enabling Church conferences, for exploration of a biblical perspective on disability and practical discussions about making your church’s ministry and... read more »