International Work/uganda

Wheels working with RILD in Uganda
April 2011 saw a small but dedicated Wheels for the World team travel out to Uganda to work with local partners, RILD, on the distribution of mobility aids and Bibles to nearly 200 disabled people. In addition to seeing people in the grounds... read more »

Uganda 2010
In June, Through the Roof's Wheels for the World programme made its first wheelchair distribution trip to Uganda. Working in partnership with RILD (Response Initiative for Learning Disabilities), over 100 wheelchairs were individually fitted and 183 bibles given out, along with other mobility aids and... read more »

Wheels to Uganda
Through the Roof will be sending a Wheels for the World wheelchair distribution team to Uganda in June 2010. This will be our first time in Uganda, partnering with Non Government Organisation RILD (Response Initiative for Learning Disabilities).read more »