Come Fishing June 2014
Here's the latest episode of 'Come Fishing', from Jenny Edwards MBE. Each episode contains news, stories, music, and inspiration. We hope you enjoy it! Follow this link to download June's Through the Roof... read more »
'Love in Abundance' - March 2014 Come Fishing
Here's the March 2014 'Come Fishing' recording from Jenny Edwards and DCF - an hour full of music, prayer, inspiration, stories and news, to entertain and inspire. read more »

The Sharon Award
On January 14th twenty members of DCF travelled to Emsworth, Hants for a very special presentation lunch. After the death of a very special DCF member - Sharon Key - three years ago, we have presented the Sharon award annually. The award, in... read more »

New Year's Honours for Jenny
Huge congratulations to Jenny Edwards, who was awarded an MBE in the Queen's 2012 new year's honours list. Jenny received the honour for services to people with disabilities in Surrey. We're all very excited for her, and hope you'll join us in congratulating her... read more »

The Sharon Award 2010
On Saturday 20th November, Janet Wade travelled to her Disabled Christians Fellowship group meeting unaware that she was to be awarded the 2010 Sharon Award Crystal Key. It was also her birthday, so the day was a double celebration! On hearing that she... read more »

The Sharon Award
2010 is the first year we have given someone special a DCF award. Jenny Edwards will be travelling to Bournemouth later in November to present this award (we won't say who's won it as she doesn't know herself yet!). Anyone can nominate a member of... read more »
Sheep in Stoneleigh
By Paula Smith On Saturday 25th September approx 40 people gathered for afternoon at Stoneleigh DCF. Our time together focussed on the parable of the lost sheep & its message that each one is important to God & loved by Him. Jesus is our shepherd... read more »

Welcome to DCF Ribble Valley!
DCF Coordinator Jenny Edwards headed north recently to attend the launch meeting of the new DCF Ribble Valley group. The meeting was well attended, and all were encouraged and excited at the prospect of starting their regular monthly meetings. DCF Ribble Valley will be meeting... read more »
Find a DCF Group
Here's a list of DCF Groups through the UK -- Please email the Through the Roof office or phone on 01372 749955 to be put in touch with one. We've included postcodes to hopefully give a good idea of the location of the group. Contact... read more »
Happy Birthday DCF
Disabled Christians Fellowship formed in 1959, when Frances Poole started a group in Bristol. DCF has kept growing, with groups around the country, accessible holidays, tape and CD ministry and support through prayer and friendship for disabled people and those affected by disability. This... read more »