Wheels in Kerala, India 2023 – Blog 5

Kerala Mission Daily Diary – Day 5 (20th March 2023)
The Wheels for the World team are hard at work in Kerala, India until the 25th March, changing lives through the free gift of a wheelchair or other mobility aid. Here, Peter, a member of the team, tells us about the 5th day of the trip...
After our lovely day of worship and lunch with some delightful local people at Dr C V’s church it was time to return to the heart of our mission, serving the disabled of Kerala in God’s name.
It was, inevitably, another day of emotions running high as we worked to assess and help resolve to the best of our ability the needs of our patients who on this day ranged in age from two and a half years to an amazing lady of 98 years old !! And we also saw three others well into their 80’s.
Our therapists and technicians, as always, had to strive to design the best mobility aid for each patients circumstances. For example we saw Anamma, who had chronic kidney disease, Chandran who was partially paralysed, Ivan who had congenital heart disease, several amputees like Prasad, and so many others seeking our help to live their best lives.
Our audio Bibles again proved extremely popular and our pastoral care person, Susan, spent many hours sharing scriptures, praying and speaking Jesus into the hearts of many. And what a treat awaited us all as evening came around.
Dr C V had invited Archbishop Thomas to join us at this home for dinner and a more engaging, personable and down to earth person one could never wish to meet. The food, cooked by the doctor’s wife, Mary, was again delicious and around the table we discussed a wide range of topics – some that could be considered challenging in their nature….what potential there was, for example, for a woman to become an Archbishop.
It was such a tribute to his character that, without fail, he responded very openly, patiently and indeed comprehensively. He was indeed made in God’s image.
Again, what a day and what memories for each of us to treasure, always.