Roofbreaker FAQs

Roofbreaker FAQs


Where does the name ‘Roofbreaker’ come from?

The name comes from the Bible account where some men break through the roof to help their disabled friend meet Jesus (Luke 5). 

What does a Roofbreaker do? 

  • If you already know of disabled people in your church…

Spend time listening to the challenges that disabled people are experiencing and take note what the church is doing well to enable them to participate. Encourage your church to respond to any issues that are raised. 

  • If you are not aware of disabled people in your church…

Encourage your church to introduce you as a Roofbreaker (e.g. newsletter, social media, notice board). It is likely that there are disabled people you have not yet met, and it is important for the church to be prepared to welcome all.

You can also introduce our free disability awareness training course to your church leaders. Follow this link for more about the training.

Who can become a Roofbreaker?  

Anyone who has a heart for Christian disability inclusion can become a Roofbreaker! You don’t need to be in church leadership, and you don’t need to be an expert on disability. The most important quality is a willingness to listen to disabled people, and a commitment to help your church/ministry to be adaptable, so that everyone is welcome to participate.

You can also have Roofbreaker team. We are happy to explore this idea with you – just ask!

Do I have to be disabled to be a Roofbreaker? 

No. We have many disabled Roofbreakers, but you don’t have to be disabled.

Do I need consent from my church to sign up as a Roofbreaker? 

No. You can sign up initially without the consent of your church/Christian ministry, but Roofbreakers are more effective when their church/ministry recognises the importance of disability inclusion. We recommend you let your church leadership know that you have signed up. We are happy to answer any questions.

How will my church know I am a Roofbreaker?

Being known within your church/Christian ministry is key to being an effective Roofbreaker. We suggest you encourage your church to introduce you (preferably with a photo) on your church noticeboard, newsletter, and social media. It will also be useful to introduce yourself at church meetings and on the church website.

What is an Area Roofbreaker Network?

Area Networks currently meet online every few months. The purpose of a network is to connect to other Roofbreakers with shared vision to share experiences, learn new ideas, encourage each other, and pray. We will put you in touch with the right network for you.

How can our church/Christian ministry and TTR work together? 

Is there a cost involved?

  • No. There is no cost to sign up as a Roofbreaker.
  • Your church might want to financially support Through the Roof by having a collection, or making an annual donation [Follow this link to our donation page]

Are Roofbreakers only needed in churches?

No. We believe Roofbreakers are essential for Christian ministries as well. For example, we have a network for rural churches that responds specifically to their unique needs, and one for people involved in ministry to the Deaf community. 

What is the plan?

It is our prayer that churches/Christian ministries will share our vision. We currently encourage, support and resource over 600 Roofbreakers across the UK and have faith that more Christians will commit to making a real difference.

I want to sign up – what is the next step?

We can’t wait to welcome you as a Roofbreaker! Follow this link to sign up, or contact Janet.