You’re a Good, Good Father, It’s Who You Are (Ros' Blog)

I’ve just come back from a week at CreationFest, where I was manning (or womanning!) the stand for Through the Roof. It was a great week of making connections and getting our message out there. I especially enjoyed joining Count Everyone In for their morning sessions of inclusive and accessible worship and Bible teaching, and came away knowing the Makaton signs to at least one new song. However, the single thing that made the deepest impression on me was nothing to do with any of the organised events that were taking place, but just a little scenario of which I was an unnoticed observer one day.
At one point, two people walked past my stand. One was a little girl of probably two and a half or three years old and the other was an adult, presumably her father. They strolled past among the stands, hand in hand. What struck me was that the little girl was very small, and her father was very tall. In order to hold her hand, he was having to bend sideways in a way that looked quite uncomfortable. His daughter meanwhile strolled happily along among all the legs of strangers and tables of leaflets, her hand secure in her father’s, completely oblivious to any discomfort he might be experiencing.
I thought about all the times when we’re aware of how much we owe to God – times when He has sustained us with His peace through episodes of pain, struggles with disability or physical limitations, or the shock of diagnosis or bereavement. At times like that some people feel that God seems far away, but many others are very conscious of Him holding and carrying them through the difficult times.
But I wondered about how many times God is using His power and goodness on our behalf and we are completely oblivious to what He is doing. All the little girl knew in that moment was a feeling of peace, security and enjoyment of her father’s company. I know this, because it was written all over her expressive little face as she strolled contentedly along with him. Her father, too, was enjoying her company, I could see that, but I could also see the discomfort as he walked along bending sideways to reach down to her hand so that she wouldn’t have to reach up to his.
How often, I wonder, does God reach down to us so we don’t have to stretch up to find Him? How often does He guide us safely through a maelstrom of strange circumstances or opposition that seeks our harm, and we are oblivious to this because all we are experiencing in that moment is the peace and security of walking with Him? As I watched that father with his little daughter, I knew that even such a touching example of deep fatherly love is only a pale reflection of the unimaginable depths of love in God’s Father-heart.
Churches Inc in Ukraine 2019 -- Day 5

The Through the Roof Churches Inc team are hard at work in Ternopil, Ukraine until the 13th August. Please keep praying for the team, as they bring a message of encouragement and inclusion to the area. We'll bring you updates on their work as often as we can. Thank you for all your support!
Day 5 -- Sun 11th
Today, Mike & Edith attended 'Jesus Christ Church' and saw an excellent example of Church inclusion. There were many people there with disabilities fully engaged in church. This is the result of the church actively going out to visit people and collect them on a Sunday. A man with cerebral palsy who lives in the countryside and finds it very difficult to leave his house loves the fellowship and said, 'I look forward from this Sunday to next Sunday'.
Mike shared the story of the man being lowered through the roof and shared the Gospel.
Trevor, Kerry and Phil first attended New Life church and shared testimonies. Then we visited Grace Church where we met Volodymyr and his family including Zechariah who has a lot of care needs but he is loved by his parents and the church and Volodymyr says, 'he is the reason for the season'. So many people with disabilities in Ternopil have been blessed as a result of his life.
We have been blessed this week and thank God for what we have seen and heard.
Churches Inc in Ukraine 2019 -- Day 4

The Through the Roof Churches Inc team are hard at work in Ternopil, Ukraine until the 13th August. Please keep praying for the team, as they bring a message of encouragement and inclusion to the area. We'll bring you updates on their work as often as we can. Thank you for all your support!
Day 4 -- Sat 10th
Today we held the workshop titled 'workshop of ideas'.
First, we demonstrated how we might include everyone in a signed Prayer in BSL where everyone can join in.
We talked about the different stages when finding out you or you child has a disability and how it feels initially like a loss but can also bring much joy. We also demonstrated the story of Jesus calming the storm using a parachute.
People were asking questions about things in the UK, such as supported living and day centres.
The group also shared their experiences with one another and Mike spoke a little about his advocacy work and the impact it can make in communities and in the wider field.
We had a lovely treat as one of Volodymyr's friends came and played the violin beautifully for us. She also shared her story of how she fell out of a tree and injured her back resulting in paralysis. This eventually led her to the living Christ. People often ask her why doesn't God heal her and her reply is 'One day when I meet the living Christ she won't need the chair, but knowing him is the most important thing.'
Churches Inc in Ukraine 2019 -- Day 3

The Through the Roof Churches Inc team are hard at work in Ternopil, Ukraine until the 13th August. Please keep praying for the team, as they bring a message of encouragement and inclusion to the area. We'll bring you updates on their work as often as we can. Thank you for all your support!
Day 3 -- Fri 9th
Today was the second leaders day. We had a range of people attending, many with disabilities. Pastor Volodymyr invited many pastors from the local area to this event. It was disappointing that few pastors came but we trust in the Lord's will in this. Volodymyr felt that the people who were in the room- mainly parents, individuals with disabilities and those already active in disability ministry were really helped and encouraged by what was said. After personal testimonies from the UK and Bible teaching, many questions were asked and personal stories shared.
One lady shared how she fears for her sons future living with a disability. We trust that she may have been encouraged by what she heard today and to seek help from her local church.
Churches Inc in Ukraine 2019 -- Day 2

The Through the Roof Churches Inc team are hard at work in Ternopil, Ukraine until the 13th August. Please keep praying for the team, as they bring a message of encouragement and inclusion to the area. We'll bring you updates on their work as often as we can. Thank you for all your support!
Day 2 -- Thurs 8th
Today we had our first leaders day in Ternopil. We had a group of people from the community, many with disabilities.
Mike shared about the global picture of disability. He compared the medical and social models of disability and suggested that an even better is the relational model which says that we all have limitations and gifts and that we are designed to live interdependently. We need each other and that is positive. Mike also challenged listeners not to give up or despair but to keep moving forward.
Trevor shared a Biblical perspective on disability. Disabilty can be used by God to show His grace and mercy. We can know God in our weaknesses, for example Ellen, his daughter has cerebral palsy. She is full of joy despite the physical challenges she has.
The group responded enthusiastically to the message. Many of them shared their stories. There was a common theme of people feeling extreme despair and depression about their disabilities but finding hope in the love of other people and God.
Vitalij was born blind. Life is not easy for him in Ukraine. He has succeeded in university and wants to be useful and help others. He currently works with computers and likes to take opportunities to talk to people and encourage them. He wants to be more independent but at the moment guide dogs are not allowed on the subway or many other places.
Paul was born with cerebral palsy. It is difficult to find work. In recent years Paul discovered a love for photography. He says it has helped him to see the world differently and bring employment. He told us that he saw all this as God taking care of him and he was actively seeking to help others.
Dmitri was one of our translators at the event. He shared with us that though he grew up in church, as a teenager he was not interested in God. When he developed epilepsy it made him think about what was important and brought him to God. He now is looking to open a cafe that will employ people with disabilities.
Another inspiring day in Ukraine.
Churches Inc in Ukraine 2019 -- Day 1

The Through the Roof Churches Inc team have arrived in Ternopil, Ukraine, following a smooth journey and will be working there until the 13th August. Please keep praying for the team, as they bring a message of encouragement and inclusion to the area. We'll bring you updates on their work as often as we can. Thank you for all your support!
Day 1 -- Weds 7th Aug
Today the team visited places that Pastor Igor and Pastor Volodymyr regularly visit and invite people to church. Pastor Igor shared a testimony with us of a gentleman named Stephen. He had muscular dystrophy and was close to suicide. He came to know the Lord Jesus through church visits. He said that he was now glad of his condition as without it he would not have come to God. He was so keen to share this hope with others that he hand-wrote letters to around 500 people with disabilites, even though it caused pain to his hands. This stirred Pastor Igor to reach out to people with disabilities.
Pastor Igor also shared with us how he visited one man at home who had a stroke. Igor kept visiting him but with little response. 3 months later he had a phone call saying he wanted to meet and gave his life to the Lord. 2 weeks later the gentleman died. We met his daughter, Tatyana, who was blind. She also came to know the Lord through witnessing the great change in her father.
Pastor Igor runs a camp every summer for adults with disabilities where he shares the gospel with them and now several people come to his church.
The church members are willing to drive great distances to pick up someone who could never get to church by themselves. We met a gentleman in a wheelchair who needs to be physically picked up and carried as the pavements and roads are not wheelchair friendly. He gets picked up by the church bus and said 'I cannot wait until Sunday'. He met the pastor at a disability event and had no experience of church before this. He became a Christian. He was very thankful that even though he is in a wheelchair, he can communicate his needs whereas others may not be able to.
We visited a state run hospice for 30 people, mainly people with cancer or had a stroke. This is the only place of its kind in Ternopil region (an area with a population of 1.2 million). We had opportunities to pray with people that they would know God whatever their circumstances.
We visited an elderly people's home. One lady Olga was so excited, she just started sharing her testimony. Olga shared how she had depression and was bed bound for 8 months. Now she is walking and free of her depression and praises God for it. She was so thankful for all the help she receives. The home was a run down building and many people sharing one room. We thank God for Olga and may her testimony speak to others there.
In Ukraine, parents who have a disabled child are often encouraged by medical professionals to 'give them up' to an orphanage so the parents can still have a 'full life'. For families who decide to look after their child, there is very little support available to them. One christian lady who is trying to help has started a centre where families can bring their children with Downs syndrome and Autism for a few hours of input to help their development and encourage the parents not to give up. They are supported by churches and limited government support, but today we saw them trying to fundraise just to be able to keep the children warm through the harsh winters in their building. We saw a lot of love and community created for the families who face serious challenges.
We have had a very encouraging day and thank God for meeting His people in Ukraine.