Wheelsblog: Uganda (28.10.16)

Departure from normal, two of our members went out on a home visit to see one lady of 85 who is blind and unable to join in on community life. With a wheelchair we were able to supply, she wheeled out and all her community greeted her.
Back at base, we also saw a 95 year old gentleman with Parkinson's disease and a devoted family. We were able to give him a reclining wheelchair with headrest which he looked very comfortable in.
Another elderly man came in hoping for a wheelchair, but left instead with crutches. While this may have been a disappointment for some, he shouted at the people in the waiting area as he left 'look, I have four legs, soon I will be running!'.
One silver child's walker had stayed in the store although we had tried it with several children, but today its rightful owner came to claim it. It was a little lad who had never walked before, but with a sturdy pair of boots he was soon making tracks.
The masterpiece of the day was a cardboard sitting box custom-built for an 8 year old girl who had cerebral malaria when she was one year old. Several people were involved in shaping the foam and supporting fragile joints. We were also able to demonstrate comfortable and therapeutic positioning for sleeping and gaining head control.
Another late customer was a 31 year old man with athetoid cerebral palsy. He explained that he had become a burden on his family and so they had abandoned him in the hope that he would die. However, instead he moved away from the village and had employed a carer. He recently married and now lives with his wife. A suitable wheelchair was found, and after talking to the pastor, he also gave his life to Jesus.
We finished our penultimate day with just three chairs and about ten pairs of crutches left.